Coconut Oil Is Not Poison

Coconut Oil Is Not Poison
A Harvard professor recently labeled coconut oil as being poison. This is a very strong statement, and a false statement.
The professor simply considered coconut oil to be poison because it contained a lot of saturated fat. Consuming a lot of saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease.
I wonder if the professor would also label lard, cheese, butter, beef, pork, salami, and sausages as being poison? They also contain a lot of saturated fat.
Saturated Fat and Heart Disease
Most international health guidelines recommend eating saturated fat, like that found in coconut oil, but recommend consuming it in moderation.[xyz-ips snippet=”Books”]
Consuming a lot of saturated fat could raise LDL or low-density lipoprotein, which is considered to be (bad) cholesterol, because too much of it increases the risk of heart disease.
The body converts fat into cholesterol, and the consumption of a lot of saturated fat can raise LDL levels in the bloodstream.
This leads to it becoming oxidized in the walls of arteries and contributes to plaque buildup in artery walls. The buildup of plaque in artery walls stiffens them and undermines their optimal functioning.
The buildup restricts blood flow, damages artery walls, breaks off in pieces blocking arteries, and causes arteries to tear and burst.
People consume much more saturated fat from consuming meat, dairy, and processed foods than from consuming coconut oil.
Bad Saturated Fat in Meat, Dairy, And Processed Foods
People need LDL cholesterol as well as HDL high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In general, people consider LDL cholesterol to be “bad” because it plays a part in the buildup of plaque in arteries. But we need LDL cholesterol.
People consume far too much saturated fat by eating a Western diet, which is high in meat, dairy, and processed foods. This is the reason why people consume too much saturated fat.
The food industry and others want to deflect and make the issue a coconut oil issue when they need to point finger at consuming meat, dairy, and processed foods.
The Western diet contains a lot of bad saturated fat because meat, dairy, and processed foods contain a lot of bad saturated fat.
Since the fat comes from animal sources, they contain viruses, bacteria, and other toxins derived from animals.
The oxidation process that occurs in the body and bloodstream results in the buildup of plaque in the arteries and undermines artery and heart health.
Coconut oil, though high in saturated fat, does not contain the harmful components found in the fat of meat, dairy, and processed foods.
Bad Saturated Fat in Animal Products Verses Good Saturated Fat in Coconut Oil
A comprehensive 2018 study, Randomised trial of coconut oil, olive oil or butter on blood lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men and women, found that the saturated fat in coconut oil interacts with the body differently than animal fat, specifically butter.
Coconut oil contains around 48% saturated fat in the form of lauric acid (12:0). Butter contains 66% saturated fat, which is about 40% palmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) acids. Though they both contain saturated fat, their saturated fat differs from the fat in coconut oil.
The study found that butter consumption significantly raised LDL levels. Coconut oil raised LDL levels also, but not more than the consumption of olive oil, which is an unsaturated oil.
Coconut oil also raised HDL or “good” cholesterol, raising LDL/HDL ratio, which many health institutes feel is a better indicator of health than just LDL count alone.
Evidence Supporting the Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Various and numerous studies have shown that coconut oil’s saturated fat lauric acid is a short-chained fatty acid. Short-chained fatty acids are beneficial because the body digests and burns them quickly.
The body is able to use them quickly so they don’t buildup in the body and contribute to fat retention.[1] [2] [3]
Another benefit of coconut oil’s saturated fat is it contains antiviral and antimicrobial properties.
Consuming Coconut Oil – Cooking Not Recommended
I first have to say I feel it is better to avoid the consumption of any oil. Oils are not whole foods. Producers separate oils from the fiber and other nutrients in whole foods, that beneficially interact in a synergistic way.
It is better to consume coconut meat than to consume the oil alone, which is derived from the meat, even though the oil does contain some of coconut meat’s health supporting properties.
Heating coconut oil at high temperatures is problematic because it has a low smoke point. This means coconut oil burns easily at high temperature. This produces toxic cancer causing aldehyde compounds like acrolein.
All oils heated above their smoke point develop toxic compounds, heating coconut oil just develops the compounds faster.
If you do choose to use coconut oil, it is better to minimize its use because it is an extract from a whole food.
It is better to add it to unheated foods like salads, or even use it to support oral hygiene through oil pulling, because of its antiviral and antimicrobial properties.[2]
Learn more about health and vitality supporting foods on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide. »
[1] Antimicrobial effects of virgin coconut oil and its medium-chain fatty acids on Clostridium difficile.
[2] Comparison of antibacterial efficacy of coconut oil and chlorhexidine on Streptococcus mutans: An in vivo study
[3] Improvement of Medium Chain Fatty Acid Content and Antimicrobial Activity of Coconut Oil via Solid-State Fermentation Using a Malaysian Geotrichum candidum