About Aqiyl Aniys

About Aqiyl Aniys
Aqiyl Aniys attained a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU and a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell.
He started the plant based nutrition company, Natural Life Energy, LLC., and alkalineplantbaseddiet.com.
Aqiyl Aniys is the primary author for AlkalinePlantBasedDiet.com and writes science based articles about the benefits of an alkaline vegan diet.
The direction of AlkalinePlantBasedDiet.com is heavily influenced by the work of the herbalist Dr. Sebi, the meta-analysis of the medical physician Dr. Greger, and Aqiyl’s education attained through his certificate in Plant Based Nutrition.
AlkalinePlantBasedDiet.com provides articles that cover the properties of plants and herbs, and to use to them naturally strengthen the immune system and to support health and vitality.
Aqiyl Aniys Authored Three Plant Based Nutrition Books:
Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Herbal Medicine
Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet (children’s book)
Aqiyl Aniys’ Health Journey
Aqiyl Aniys adopted an alkaline vegan diet based on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide in his mid-forties.
Aqiyl had a history of bouts with pneumonia, the flu, frequent colds, sinus problems, low energy, and acid reflux which have disappeared since he adopted an alkaline plant based diet.
Aqiyl attributed his achy joints, lack of energy, and other problems to getting old, but now he understands they were firmly supported by his dietary choices.
Let’s Stay Connected
Aqiyl’s Public Figure Facebook Page: Aqiyl Aniys
Natural Life Energy Facebook Page: Natural Life Energy
Facebook group: Alkaline Plant Based Diet – Dr. Sebi Inspired
Twitter: @aqiylaniys
Youtube: Aqiyl Aniys – Youtube
Pinterest: Alkaline Plant Based Diet – Pinterest
Related Links:
Video: Dr. Sebi Fasting And Cleansing
Animated Video: An Alkaline Plant Based Diet Heals
Recipe: Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
Recipe: Vegetable Soup Made From Foods on The Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide
An Alkaline Plant Based Diet Supports Health And Vitality