Sweetsop A Sweet And Nutritious Fruit
Jamaica Series – Sweetsop – And You Know It Is Naturally Sweet
After my father and I exited Fern Gully headed to St. Anns, we pulled over to some ladies selling fruits on the side of the street, and I am so glad we did. To my delight they were selling sweetsop, and they were delcious.
They were fully ripe and broke apart easily, revealing their black seeds that were smothered in a sweet white fibrous nectar. They contained a sappy nectar that just invited one to suck the sap off the black seeds, which quickly developed into a messy situation. Tip: have some napkins near by.
On top of its sweetness, sweetsop is also nutritious. Sweetsop is rich in fiber, supplying 27% of the recommended daily allowance per fruit. Fiber is an essential nutrient that helps lower cholesterol, normalizes bowel movements and helps control blood sugar levels.
One Sweetsop supplies 94% of the current recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, 11% of thiamin, 10% of riboflavin, 15% of vitamin B6, 8% of magnesium, 11% of potassium, and 7% of copper. (It always amazes me that we need metals-minerals for healthy living.)
Tags: benefit, fiber, of, sweetsop, vitamin C