Soursop Is Excellent But Not 10000 Times More Potent Than Chemo

Soursop Manipulation
Annona muricata, also called soursop and graviola, do have anticancer properties against certain cancers, but it is not 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy treatments. Sensationalized internet headlines and Facebook memes promote very catchy idea, but the headlines and memes are deceiving.
The sensationalized internet headlines are catchy because they give hope for the use of a natural remedy that would be a great alternative to the destructive properties of chemotherapy.
The sensationalized internet headlines are problematic because they promote misinformation. Unfortunately our fast paced lives often limit many people to read the headlines and memes and not dig deeper into the subject matter.
This has led to many people believing soursop is a miracle cure for cancer. Now soursop suppliers are cashing in on this misinformation by selling soursops for ridiculously increased prices.
Misinformation is far more destructive than outright lies. People easily recognize outright lies, rather than lies mixed with information. Misinformation is built on information which makes it more difficult to recognize the deception in it.
Soursop and Cancer
Internet articles sensationalized findings from this study, Five Novel Mono-tetrahydrofuran Ring Acetogenins from the Seeds of Annona muricata.
This one part in the study’s abstract is what people manipulated and ran with:
Compound 1 was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) in which it was 10000 times the potency of adriamycin.
Many people ran and are running out to buy soursops because they are under the impression that a few soursops can kill the cancers in their bodies. The sensationalized internet headlines and memes twisted the quote into “soursop being 10000 more potent than chemotherapy.
The internet headlines and memes would have made me think the same thing, if I didn’t understand cancer develops on different pathways. One treatment that is effective against one form may not be effective against another form of cancer.
There are several problems with the articles and memes, but before I address them I state I am not advocating the use of chemotherapy which destroys both good and bad cells.
Researchers Tested Extracted Soursop Seed Cis-annonacin Compound Not Soursop Fruit
The researchers extracted and concentrated the cis-annonacin from the soursop seeds. They tested it en-vitro (outside the human body) on several different types of cancer cells.
The cis-annonacin extract was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29). It was 10 000 times the potency than one form of chemotherapy treatment that used “adriamycin.”
Again, the study’s findings only pertained to the cis-annonacin extracted and concentrated from soursop seeds, and not from eating the soursop fruit.
Eating the soursop is not going to offer the protection the sensationalized internet articles imply.
Do Not Eat Soursop Seeds
The researchers tested the cis-annonacin compound en-vitro on a panel of cancer cells. The researchers did not test how the extract would react in the body.
Please do not consume the seeds trying to gain the benefits of the extract. Some seeds are edible but soursop seeds are not. Soursop seeds have neurotoxic effects (toxic to the nervous system), as do many non edible seeds.
Don’t worry, mistakenly eating a stray seed won’t cause problems, but grinding them and consuming them is another story.
There is no miracle cure, and eating a few soursops will not eradicate cancer in the body. The key is in removing cancer causing foods from the diet which include meat, dairy, and processed foods.
The next part is to saturate the body in natural alkaline plant foods. They naturally provide the body minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber it needs to kill cancer cells and to support its overall health.
Soursops are a delicious fruit and are loaded with minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber that are protective against cancer and that are supportive of health. Soursop leaves are excellent for quickly reducing blood pressure.
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