Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide – Mucus Reducing Alkaline Diet

Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide – Mucus Reducing Alkaline Diet
Herbalist Dr. Sebi formulated the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide with the specific intention of rejuvenating the body at the intra-cellular level. This alkaline diet, aimed at reducing mucus production, comprises non-hybrid plant foods that are alkalizing in nature.
By incorporating these alkaline foods, the body’s acid balance is regulated, providing a safeguard against detrimental mucus accumulation that can impair organs and contribute to the onset of illnesses.
[xyz-ips snippet=”Books”]Embracing the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide has yielded remarkable results for me, a surprising turn of events as I never anticipated adhering to a vegan or health-focused plant-based diet.
Over the span of four years since adopting this alkaline vegan diet and incorporating herbal supplements, I have not experienced any illness. (Remarkably, this health streak has extended to a decade without falling ill.)
My transition towards an alkaline plant-based diet was gradual. Initially, I phased out meat and restricted my consumption to fish, with a small amount of dairy. It was only later that I fully embraced the alkaline plant-based diet.
Upon removing only meat from my diet, I witnessed a noticeable boost in both my well-being and energy levels. Because of this improvement I wasn’t fully motivated to change my diet. I also had doubts about the potential benefits, and I also believed that eliminating fish, alongside meat, would be an difficult.
More: Things to know about switching to a vegan diet »
Adopting a Diet Based on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide
Fortunately, I came across information about the renowned herbalist Dr. Sebi, who championed well-being and liveliness through his innovative African Bio Mineral Balance approach. Central to his methodology was the exclusive consumption of plant-based foods outlined in the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, coupled with the strategic utilization of herbs in his herbal methodology. This combined effort aimed to restore the body’s alkaline balance and reestablish a state of homeostasis.
The Dr. Sebi nutritional guide encompasses a selection of natural alkaline vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and legumes that work to alkalize the body and eliminate mucus buildup. A comprehensive understanding of this dietary philosophy and lifestyle can be acquired through reading my “Alkaline Plant Based Diet” book.
Furthermore, Dr. Sebi employed natural alkaline herbs to purify the body’s cells at both the cellular and intra-cellular levels. Delve deeper into this dietary approach and way of life by exploring my book, “Alkaline Herbal Medicine.”
Blood Alkalinity
The body works to maintain a slightly alkaline environment with a pH of 7.4 within the bloodstream. This forms the foundation for the alkaline diet and the African Bio Mineral Balance principle, which is based on the premise that disease is supported in an acidic environment. Let’s examine the consequences when the eating an acidic diet.
The blood serves as the equilibrium point for bodily homeostasis and balance. When the blood receives appropriate nutrients in the correct proportions, the organs function optimally. Conversely, when supplied with inappropriate nutrients, the organs’ efficiency is compromised.
Consistently consuming acidic foods disrupts the body’s natural buffering system responsible for maintaining stable blood pH levels.
In such circumstances, the body resorts to extracting alkaline minerals and compounds from bones, fluids, and organs to stabilize blood pH. This, however, adversely impacts the effective operation of various bodily organs and processes.
Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide – Approach To Disease
Dr. Sebi’s approach to disease is disease:
“disease finds it genesis when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. For example, if there is excess mucous in the bronchial tubes, the disease is Bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is Pneumonia; in the pancreatic duct, it is Diabetes; in the joints Arthritis.”
The foods featured in the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, along with the herbs integral to Dr. Sebi’s methodology, have laid the cornerstone for numerous holistic and herbal practitioners.
For instance, Dr. Sebi adeptly employed traditional medicinal herbs in specific blends, such as burdock root, sarsaparilla, and dandelion, renowned for their blood-purifying and liver-cleansing properties. Presently, these same herbal combinations are widely embraced by the holistic health community.
Dr. Sebi’s use of the African Bio-Mineral Balance methodology dates back to the early 1960s, positioning him as a trailblazer in the alkaline diet movement.
Starting My Alkaline Journey
Having thoroughly researched the matter, I made the conscious decision to embrace the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide as a means to enhance my health.
I developed a list of foods and herbs I would use from the Dr. Sebi food list and methodology. (Dr. Sebi suggested not eating anything not on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.)
This journey has been nothing short of a series of blessings, and I continue to navigate it with steadfast determination. The effects of the alkaline plant-based diet on my well-being are truly remarkable. My energy levels have soared, and fatigue is now a thing of the past, even during demanding days.
Abstaining from fish no longer poses a challenge, and the thought of consuming it has ceased to cross my mind. My weight loss journey has yielded positive results, and I no longer feel burdened by excess weight. Sleep comes effortlessly, and I’ve noticed a reduction in the amount of sleep I require. Mornings greet me with ease, and I remain alert and active throughout the entirety of each day.
Dr. Sebi Approach To Eating and Nutrition
(Note: I am not a doctor and can only tell you what is working for me. This guide is working for me!)
Spring Water!
Along with eating only foods on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, drinking plenty of spring water daily is essential to making this alkaline plant based diet work. Dr. Sebi suggests drinking a gallon of spring water a day, and also health organizations suggest roughly the same amount.
The adult body comprises approximately 70% water, and maintaining an ample water supply is crucial for the optimal performance of the body’s metabolic processes. Water plays a pivotal role in waste elimination, provides cushioning to joints and organs, and facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients.
Many of the herbs employed by Dr. Sebi possess diuretic properties, promoting increased urination for the purpose of expelling toxins from the body. Consequently, it becomes imperative to replenish the lost fluids to support the body’s effective functioning.
Spring water, being a natural source, aligns with the body’s hydration needs and preserves the natural balance of electrolytes within.
Dr. Sebi doesn’t recommend microwaving food
The question of whether microwaving affects the nutritional value of food is conflicting, with arguments presented on both sides. However, I have opted against using a microwave for heating my food because I believe it is harmful.
Instead, I choose to warm my food on the stovetop or in the oven, although a significant portion of my diet consists of raw or steamed items. I shy away from high heat, recognizing that it could potentially impact the organic compounds in the food, even though the minerals within tend to remain unaffected.
Dr. Sebi recommends avoiding eating highly hybridized foods
Dr. Sebi strongly advocates for the consumption of foods in their more primal, unaltered state. This philosophy involves steering clear of highly hybridized foods and those that have undergone forced hybridization. To facilitate this approach, Dr. Sebi made the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, which intentionally excludes several commonly consumed mainstream plant foods.
Hybridized plants are made through the cross-pollination of two or more plants, resulting in plants less recognized by the body’s digestive system. It changes the genetic structure, electrical composition, and pH balance and highly hybridizing plants often undermines their strength.
A notable example of such a food is garlic – a familiar dietary element that may not align optimally with our best dietary choices.
Dr. Sebi Nutritional guide: Dr. Sebi Food List
Important Note: Dr. Sebi’s food list has seen adjustments over time, including both (+added) and ( – removed), which have been indicated here. The Dr. Sebi nutritional guide boasts a substantial history spanning multiple decades. Over this period, Dr. Sebi conducted continuous research, resulting in the inclusion and exclusion of specific foods. Instances of food removal arose due to concerns over the adverse effects of certain commercial processing practices on the nutritional integrity of the items. Conversely, occasions where better alternatives were discovered also prompted modifications to the list.
Vegetables: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
- Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach
- Wild Arugula (+added)
- Avocado
- Asparagus – ( – removed)
- Bell Peppers
- Chayote (Mexican Squash)
- Cucumber
- Dandelion greens
- Garbanzo beans (chick peas)
- Green Banana – ( – removed)
- Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf- grows naturally in California
- Jicama – ( – removed)
- Kale
- Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
- Mushrooms (all, except Shitake)
- Mustard greens ( – removed)
- Nopales – Mexican Cactus
- Okra (+added back after being removed)
- Olives (and olive oil)
- Onions
- Parsley ( – removed)
- Purslane (Verdolaga) – (+added)
- Poke salad -greens ( – removed)
- Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori)
- Squash
- Spinach – ( – removed)
- String beans – ( – removed)
- Tomato – cherry and plum only
- Tomatillo
- Turnip greens
- Watercress – (+added)
- Zucchini
Fruits: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
(No canned fruits or Seedless fruits)
- Apples
- Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)
- Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Currants
- Dates
- Figs
- Grapes -seeded
- Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
- Mango
- Melons -seeded
- Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find )
- Papayas
- Peaches
- Pears
- Plums
- Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit) – (+added)
- Prunes
- Raisins -seeded
- Soft Jelly Coconuts (and coconut oil)
- Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets)
- Sugar apples (chermoya) – ( – removed)
- Tamarind – (+added)
Nuts & Seeds: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
(Includes nut & seed butters)
- Brazil Nuts – (+added)
- Hemp Seed (+added)
- Hazelnuts – ( – removed)
- Pine Nuts – ( – removed)
- Almonds and Almond butter-Raw- ( – removed)
- Raw Sesame Seeds
- Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter
- Walnuts
Oils: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
(New Section added by Dr. Sebi) Minimize the use of oils.
- Olive Oil (Do not cook
- Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
- Grapeseed Oil (+added)
- Sesame Oil (+added)
- Hempseed Oil (+added)
- Avocado Oil (+added)
Spices – Seasonings: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
- Achiote
- Allspice ( – removed)
- Basil
- Bay leaf
- Cayenne/African Bird Pepper
- Cilantro ( – removed)
- Cloves
- Coriander ( – removed)
- Cumin ( – removed)
- Dill
- Habanero (+added)
- Marjoram ( – removed)
- Onion Powder
- Oregano
- Parsley ( – removed)
- Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has “sea taste”)
- Pure Sea Salt
- Sage
- Savory (+added)
- Sweet Basil (+added)
- Tarragon
- Thyme
Sugars: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
- 100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus)
- Date “Sugar – (from dried dates)
- 100% Pure Maple Syrup – Grade B recommended – ( – removed)
- Maple “Sugar” (from dried maple syrup) – ( – removed)
Alkaline Grains: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
- Amaranth
- Black Rice – ( – removed)
- Fonio – (+added)
- Kamut
- Quinoa
- Rye
- Spelt
- Tef
- Wild Rice
All Natural Herbal Teas: Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
- Alvaca ( – removed)
- Anise ( – removed)
- Burdock (+added)
- Chamomile
- Elderberry
- Fennel
- Ginger
- Lemon grass ( – removed)
- Red Raspberry
- Cuachalalate (+added after Dr. Sebi’s death)
- Flor de Manita (+added after Dr. Sebi’s death)
- Gordo Lobo (+added after Dr. Sebi’s death)
- Muicle (+added after Dr. Sebi’s death)
(I keep a record of changes made to the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide for historical purposes. There is concern that Dr. Sebi may not support futures changes to the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide after his death. So I will only post the last nutritional guide provided by the L.A. office shortly after Dr. Sebi’s death. Click image for bigger view.)
Organ Cleansing Herbs
I embarked on an initial three-month herbal cleanse, using herbs aligned with the Dr. Sebi methodology, and adhering to the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide. Here are a selection of the herbs that formed a part of my herbal cleanse journey. For an in-depth understanding of the herbs integral to the Dr. Sebi approach and their proper utilization, I invite you to explore my comprehensive herbal guide titled “Alkaline Herbal Medicine.”
- Burdock Root – blood and liver cleanser, diuretic,
- Bladderwrack (seaweed) – vitamin and mineral supplement, diuretic
- Dandelion– blood and liver cleanser, diuretic
- Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra) – combats mucus buildup, colds, HIV
- Sea Moss – Irish Moss (seaweed) – vitamin and mineral supplement
- Sarsaparilla – blood purifier, diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory
Alkaline Books and Resources
The cornerstone of revitalizing and nurturing the body lies in the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide. To gain a comprehensive grasp of how to embrace this dietary and lifestyle approach, I invite you to delve into my “Alkaline Plant Based Diet” book. It’s advisable to initiate your journey by delving into this diet book before reading my “Alkaline Herbal Medicine” book.” This sequence ensures a robust foundation for effectively applying the insights from my herbal guide.
For those unfamiliar with herbs and seeking to procure high-quality hebrs, Dr. Sebi’s office (California: 310-838-2490) provides individual products tailored to address specific conditions and therapeutic packages designed for complex health concerns.
You can conveniently acquire Dr. Sebi’s products by following this link.
To acquaint yourself with a comprehensive roster of Dr. Sebi’s products and the associated herbal components, refer to this list.
Similarly, a compilation of Dr. Sebi’s therapeutic packages and their constituent herbs can be found here.
The Dr. Sebi nutritional guide (Dr. Sebi food list) is a roadmap to supporting health and vitality.
Check on posts on “Alkaline Plant Based Diet” to learn more about this diet and lifestyle.
Related Links:
Animated Video: An Alkaline Plant Based Diet Heals
Alkaline vs Acidic Foods – Chart
Starting An Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Bam Bam Power Vegetable Drink – Dr. Sebi Electric Alkaline Foods
Make Sea Moss Gel With The Original Chrondus Crispus
Tags: dr sebi, dr sebi alkaline diet, dr sebi diet, dr sebi herbs, dr sebi nutritonal guide