Natural Eye Care

Development of the Eye
The human eye developed in interaction with the sun’s light, to be able to optimally process its energy and information.
Light is energy and it carries patterns of information the brain receives in interprets. Just like how light is used to to transmit data through fiber optic cables.
Nature originally designed the human eye with dark pigmentation to control the amount of the sun’s light and UV radiation that passed through the eye. The pigmentation is a carbon based molecule called melanin.
Since people originated in the sunnier and warmer climate of Africa, nature designed people with lots of pigmentation in the eyes and skin.
This allowed them to interact with the sun for longer periods of time without being harmed by it’s UV radiation.
The eye’s cell structure developed in balance with the sun to optimally process its energy.
Nature also programmed eyes to produce salty tears to keep the cells moist while processing the the sun’s energy, and to protect eyes against disease.
Change in Eye Structure
During the evolutionary process of African people who migrated to the colder climates of Europe, environmental pressure caused the Africans to adapt physically to the harsher environment.
The Neanderthal developed from the African genome, and later the present day European.
They spent less time in the sun, seeking protection against the colder and harsher climate of Europe. They developed eyes that had lighter pigmentation so they could process adequate amounts of light energy in shorter periods of time.
This also undermined the natural programming that designed the eye to operate most effectively and efficiently in ample sunlight, and this led to various eye conditions.
A global problem developed after the European dominance of the world that began after the 1500’s A.D. Europeans developed cultural norms and practices to protect them from the sun.
Europeans globalized these practices to the world’s population, which undermined the health of the eyes of people of darker color.
People in industrialized societies also often spend great amounts of time indoors and in front of computer screens. Both are detrimental to the optimal health of the eye.
Natural Eye Care
Natural Sun Exposure
Simply spend more time outdoors. Spend more time letting the eyes process sunlight. This is different than sun gazing, which is also beneficial when done properly.
Nourish the cells of the eyes simple by giving them the sun’s energy by just naturally interacting with the nature on a daily basis.
Just looking at creation for extended periods of time in sunlight puts the eyes in their natural and supportive environment.
This is different that staring into the sun for a prolonged time, which can cause issues even for people even with dark eyes.
Staring into the sun is only a recommended process during sunrise and sunset, when the sun’s UV radiation is low. People of all eye colors can benefit from this practice. Learn more about sun gazing.
Keep Eyes Moist Using Saline Solution
Many people who live in industrialized societies who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen have dry eyes.
Eyes developed with the ability to to produce tears to keep them moist. Blinking washes the eyes with tears, but when we sit in front of the computer we don’t blink often. This dries eyes and causes irritation that can lead to itchy eyes, aching, fatigue, soreness, light sensitivity, and blurred vision.
You can naturally help restore moisture to eyes by applying a saline wash throughout the day. The eyewash also helps to kill and remove disease in the eyes. I use a solution of 1/2 cup spring water (you can also use distilled water) to 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt.
Add some to a eyewash cup and hold it against opened eyes for 20 seconds. Rinse the cup and start over again for the second eye. I wash my eyes before I go to bed and in the morning.
Natural Eye Medicine
People of many cultures historically used eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) to treat a variety of eye ailments, including pink eye.
(Medical literature will state the use of eyebright to wash the eyes is possibly unsafe. This is not due to the herb itself, but is due to the possibility of the herb becoming contaminated which may cause eye infections.)
I have used eyebright on numerous occasions as an eyewash or as eye drops without any issue. I sometimes use eyebright as an eyewash in the morning and as eye drops right before going to sleep.
As an eyewash, I use Dr. Sebi’s Eyewash product. The main ingredient is eyebright. I make a solution, following the product’s instructions.
Using an eyewash cup I apply the solution to my eyes for around 20 seconds for each eye, and rinse my eyes with water afterwards.
I sometimes use drops of the solution right before going to sleep. I apply 2 drops per eye, close my eyes, and go to sleep.
The solution remains in my eyes. In the morning my eyelids would be full mucus due to the eyebright pulling mucus from my eyes.
A good rinse of my eyes with water removes the mucus and leaves my eyes refreshed.
Exercise Your Eyes
Eyes developed in relation to living within nature. Nature designed eyes to scan it constantly and to use its full range of motion and focus throughout the day.
We spend a lot of time staring at a computer or TV screen which doesn’t exercise the eyes properly, and sends limited response signals to the brain.
This trains the muscles of the eyes to operate in a limited range and undermines the health of the eyes.
This leads to the eyes reduced ability to focus quickly and sharply in far, mid, near, and in different levels of light.
I think you know the saying, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Eye Exercise
Activate and strengthen the whole muscle instead of sections of the muscles in the eyes, through using the full motion of the eyes.
With your right hand, hold a pen at arm’s length in front of your face. Focus your eyes on the tip of the pen. Keep your head still and pointed forward.
Slowly move your fully extended right arm to your far right, while only tracking it with your eyes. Stop when you can’t see the tip of the pen.
Hold your eyes there for 5 seconds. Slowly move your fully extended arm back to the center position in front of your face.
Fully extend your left arm, grab the pen from your right hand and move your fully extended left arm to the far left until you can’t see the tip of the pen. Stop there for 5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times.
Stop at the center position. Slowly bring the pen to the tip of your nose, while focusing on the tip of the pen. Slowly extend your arm fully in front of you, while focusing on the tip of your pen. Repeat this 10 times.
These exercises help to strengthen and stretch the muscles of your eyes.
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