Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Healthy Expression of the Common African Genome

By | October 14th, 2017 | Modified - October 14th, 2017
Healthy Expression of the Common African Genome
Healthy Expression of the Common African Genome

Source: Alkaline Herbal Medicine
In order to support the complete and healthy expression of the African genome, which is the foundation for all human life, and not the expression of disease that is associated with conditions that produced the Neanderthal, is it necessary to at least return to the consumption of a plant-centered diet.

Plant-centered diets are diets that consist mostly but not entirely of plant foods. Occasionally people ate meat as part of a plant-centered diet, but its consumption played a minimal part in the diet.

Plant-centered diets were the norm in Africa and other places in the world that shared similar environments, like Central and South America, the Caribbean, and India, and these diets better promoted the healthy expression of the African genome.

Moving away from this diet as the Neanderthals did led to the unhealthy expression of the African genome and disease.

Consuming a plant-based diet, a diet composed entirely of plant foods, is more effective than consuming a plant-centered diet for the healthiest expression of the African genome.

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A plant-based diet and plant herbs are vitally important when attempting to reverse disease, because they greatly limit the amount of toxins and unhealthy compounds derived from meat that enter the body and undermine the healthy expression of the African genome.

It is hardwired in the African genome that the consumption of plants promotes the healthy expression of the genome, which results in physical, mental, and emotional stability.

The harsher conditions of the European environment and a diet that centered on meat consumption led to the expression of the Neanderthal genome and the diseases associated with it.

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Alklaine Plant Based Diet

About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.