Going Vegan For A Month Turned Out To Be Extremely Beneficial

Going vegan for a month has turned into being vegan for over 4 years now, and it has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. You may be in the process of switching to a vegan diet, or you may be preparing to test out going vegan for a month to check out its benefits.
I say go for it, but understand that it is very helpful if you prepare for going vegan for month.
I was pretty prepared for the journey because I am pretty disciplined, so my transition to a vegan diet wasn’t very difficult. The transition can be challenging though so it is a good idea to understand what obstacles you might run into.
Veganism in itself is not the whole purpose of the journey because some vegan foods are hybridized and need to be avoided. Support your health and vitality by consuming non-hybrid alkaline foods Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide »
First, I have to say the benefits were so overwhelming that going vegan for a month turned into going vegan for 2 months, then 6 months, then years and I am still benefitting from switching a vegan diet.
I am presently 48 years old and since I switched to a vegan diet 4 years ago I haven’t been sick, and I used to suffer greatly from congestion issues. I also had very bad acid reflux and it has completely gone away.
I have lost 30-35 lbs and I don’t struggle to keep the weight off though I eat between 2500 and 3000 calories of life supporting plant foods everyday.
My energy throughout the day stays high, I sleep much deeper and I require less sleep, and on another note my skin now glows.
I am extremely active and have regained the body I had when in was in my twenties, and my energy level and endurance is actually greater now than when I was in my twenties.
I measure this by comparing what I am able to do now compared to what I was able to do when I was in my twenties. I have gone back to amateur boxing and I can do all my exercises with greater intensity and for longer periods of time.
I had hated running, which is a necessary part of boxing training, and now I don’t hate it because I can run much faster and I have much more endurance now. I actually look forward to increasing the speed and distance I run.
I would have never have thought about running a marathon before, but now it is actually an attainable feat.
I won a boxing Masters International tournament last year and God willing I will soon start preparing for this year’s tournament to defend my title.
I feel I am in the best shape of my life at 48 years old, and I work to be even better. If you wan to give a plant based diet a shot there are a few things you should understand.
Things To Do To Make Going Vegan For A Month Easier
1. Go shopping for foods you can eat and stock up on those foods. To best support and maximize the health benefits you can achieve by going vegan you should eat only foods on this nutritional guide.
One of the main obstacles people face when they switch to a vegan diet is they either don’t know what to eat or they don’t have the foods available. When you are hungry you want to eat, so don’t put yourself in a situation where you are hungry and you don’t have access to the foods you need to eat.
This is where some discipline comes into play. If I am going to be away from home for a while, I bring some food with me. I drink a lot of vegetable juice, and fruit smoothies so I travel with bottles of juice or smoothies.
You can carry any of the whole foods on the nutritional guide with, or make a quick salad with your favorite items like chick peas.

2. Drink a lot of water. It is recommended to drink a gallon of water a day. Drinking a lot of water serves three basic purposes.
- Drinking a lot of water keeps you hydrated which helps to keep you energized. Most people are dehydrated on some level and don’t realize it. Being dehydrated makes you tired.
- Drinking a lot of water keeps you from getting hungry. A lot of the times you think you are hungry you are actually thirsty and your body is craving water.
- Drinking a lot of water helps to reduce or eliminate detox symptoms. When you go on a whole food vegan diet you flood you body with fiber, phytonutrients, and nutrients that work to remove waste, pathogens, and toxins from your body. Keeping your body sufficiently hydrated helps the body to remove this combined waste more effectively so the toxins don’t back up into the body and cause detox symptoms like queasiness or headaches.
3. One thing to remember is you may periodically get cravings for some of the foods you gave up. If you do, don’t worry there isn’t anything wrong. The body is a creature of habit and may want some of the foods it was used to eating, even though the foods were unhealthy. That might be a time to drink some water?
Since you are here this is an indication that you are seriously thinking about at the least going vegan for a month so please take a look at this extensive guide for switching to a vegan diet for many more helpful tips.