Fucus AKA Bladderwrack Herb Protects The Thyroid And More

Fucus Bladderwrack And The Thyroid Gland
Fucus is a seaweed that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to address a wide range of illnesses. The botanical name for fucus is Fucus vesiculosus and is also known as bladderwrack.
One of the main uses of fucus has been to return thyroid functioning back to a state of homeostasis.
Fucus bladderwrack is high in iodine and has been used in traditional medicine to address an underactive thyroid in a condition called hypothyroidism, and also an overactive thyroid in a condition called hyperthyroidism.
The proper levels of iodine are needed by the thyroid to keep it in a state of homeostasis so the conditions of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism don’t develop.
The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, or hormone producing gland, located in the throat that produces hormones that help regulate almost every organ in the body.
Hypothyroidism is the condition caused by an underactive thyroid gland where the thyroid gland can’t make enough thyroid hormone to keep the body running normally.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive and makes excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can lead to the development of an enlarged thyroid and the condition is called goiter, but the most common reason for the development of goiter is the lack of iodine that leads to an underactive thyroid.
Hypothyroidism and Bladderwrack
Fucus is used to supply iodine to the thyroid to combat hypothyroidism, a condition that slows down the body’s metabolism, or chemical processes within the cells of the body that are needed to maintain life.
The thyroid regulates the mineralization of bones,[1] and an underactive thyroid can lead to poorly mineralized bones. The thyroid also regulates heart rate and hypothyroidism results in a slow heart rate, low blood pressure, and diseased heart muscle.
Hypothyroidism is also associated with fatigue, weight gain, elevated blood cholesterol level, undernourished skin, joint pain and stiffness, and impaired memory. [2]
Though fucus is high in iodine it has been successfully used in traditional medicine to treat hyperthyroidism. The fucus herb works differently with hyperthyroidism than isolated iodine because of the other nutrients that are packaged with the the iodine in fucus, or the iodine in other plant foods or plant herbs.
The packaging and the interaction of the nutrients help to correctly balance the iodine levels in the thyroid even though bladderwrack is high in iodine. This is how the natural design of the body works to assimilate the nutrients of natural plant foods into the body.
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Traditional Uses Of Fucus
Bladderwrack benefits are numerous because of its high concentration of varying minerals and phytonutrients.
The herbalist Dr. Sebi has been at the forefront of reconnecting us the the knowledge of traditional medicine and he uses fucus as part of his African bio-mineral compounds to support health and vitality.
He uses focus along with Irish or sea moss together as part of his cell food products, because of its anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Fucus is also used to address bad breath, respiration illnesses, coughs, dysentery, fat buildup, ulcers, bowel movement, skin issues, kidney function, and obesity.
Learn more about other herbs used in Dr. Sebi’s methodology and how to use them in my book Alkaline Herbal Medicine »