The Food Industry Wants The Public Confused About Nutrition

The Food Industry Wants The Public Confused About Nutrition
The food industry wants to sell its food, no matter what the food is. That is the reality of business which tells us, buyer beware.
The problem is we have come to accept that business and government agencies that are supposed to protect our best interest, actually have our best interest at hand.
Maybe government agencies like the FDA may have had the public’s best interest at hand, but it is part of this business paradigm and has succumb to its pressure and influence.
We have to fend for ourselves and question everything that is globalized through a Western business perspective, one whose main goal is making money.
Industries put massive amount of pressure on government agencies when they make ruling that go against an industry’s benefit. This often results in reversal of the ruling or a watered down ruling.
Often the watered down ruling often plays into an industry’s favor because it creates confusion about an issue. This allows industries to manipulate information and continue and even improve sales of a questionable product.
Deliberate industry interference has often created situations where consumers have access only to incomplete and inaccurate information.[1]
This state of confusion often leads people to give up and accept the status quo.
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[1] A broader liberty: J.S. Mill, paternalism and the public’s health.