Exercising While On A Plant Based Diet

Exercising On An Alkaline Plant Based Diet
I get many questions if eating a plant based diet is deficient in nutrients, and if it can support exercising.
The reality is eating a plant based diet greatly supports exercise, whether you are doing cardiovascular exercise or weight training.
A couple of things are going on while you exercise that you need to address. You are burning energy, working and tearing muscle, and losing water.
Burning Energy
When you work out you exert more energy than you would normally. It is good to make sure you have a good supply of stored energy and energy circulating in your bloodstream.
The optimal source of energy is carbohydrates from fruits. The burns the simple carbohydrates in fruits quickly and efficiently for energy. Dates and berries are great sources of simple carbohydrates to help you to keep going while exercising.
Drinking fruit smoothies before a workout helps the body to quickly digest its carbohydrates and have its energy ready to support muscle activity.
Our main source of energy is carbohydrates. The body will use carbohydrates first and then move to fat as it runs out its reserve.
The body uses and burns the simple carbohydrates in fruits the quickest and most efficiently because of its simple structure. It uses complex carbs, like in grains, less efficiently because of its more complex structure.
The body uses fats least efficiently for energy because of its highly complex structure. The body does use short-chain fatty acids in coconut water more efficiently than the complex fats, for example found in nuts.
Working Muscle
You are working muscle while doing cardiovascular exercises, and while tearing muscle lifting weights. You need to address both, but during exercise you need to address the work of the muscles.
Muscles move by an interplay of positive and negative mineral ions (electrolytes) that make muscles contract and release without fatigue.
Muscles become fatigued when you don’t have the proper amount and balance of electrolytes in your bloodstream.
Without the proper amount and balance of electrolytes muscles will become fatigued whether you are doing cardio, strenuous weight lifting, and even during normal activity.
While the muscle is working you need carbohydrates, which the muscles primarily use for energy, and you need plenty of electrolytes like potassium, phosphate, calcium, and sodium.
Vegetables and fruits are our natural source of electrolytes. A combination of bananas, dates, and berries is a good source of electrolytes before and after a workout to keep your muscles free of fatigue.
Plant foods provide a natural balance of electrolytes. Man-made supplements can throw of the balance of electrolytes in the body.
Imbalance in electrolytes can lead to various conditions including irregular heartbeat, and nerve disorders.
Tearing Muscle
When you lift weights you are purposely tearing muscle. Your body will repair it and make it grow with nitrogen-based compounds (proteins).
But while you are exercising your muscles need carbohydrates for energy to support metabolic process occurring in the muscle. Your muscles also need electrolytes so they can contract and release without fatigue.
Your muscles will need the nitrogen-based compounds more so after the exercise, and your body will mostly use them to repair your muscles during your deep sleep cycle.
Plant foods high in nitrogen-based compounds include chickpeas, grains, nuts, and seeds on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.
A post-workout green leafy vegetable smoothie including chickpeas, grains, nuts, or seeds is a good choice after a weight lifting exercise. It will provide electrolytes and nitrogen-based compounds to reduce fatigue and to support healing and growth.
Stay properly hydrated. The cells in your body need proper hydration to avoid fatigue, and that includes muscle.
We recommend consuming a gallon of water a day. That is total water. We recommend drinking natural spring water, which naturally contains minerals (electrolytes), and consuming water in vegetables and fruits.