Dr. Sebi Scandal Video And Attack On His Legacy

Dr. Sebi
Rest in peace Dr. Sebi. Unfortunately there has been an attack on Dr. Sebi’s legacy after his death. His legacy is his methodology and credibility, and the Los Angeles office and USHA Village.
This attack could lead to people losing faith and bypassing Dr. Sebi’s healing methodology. A healing methodology that has merit in reversing disease.
The devastating turn of events started after Dr. Sebi’s untimely death. Authorities in Honduras arrested Dr. Sebi and his partner Pablo in late 2016. Dr. Sebi died an untimely death in jail on August 6th, 2016. Pablo remained in jail for several months after Dr. Sebi died.
The courts later found Dr. Sebi and Pablo not guilty of the charges and released Pablo from jail. Read the “Dr. Sebi Died” article. This has left a sour taste in the mouths of Dr. Sebi supporters, and a lot of speculation.
There is a strong consensus that there was conspiracy against him and “foul play” at hand in an effort to destroy his methodology and the healing institutions he built.
Family Unrest
In addition it appears family unrest has served as a potential distraction that could serve to undermine Dr. Sebi’s legacy, which is his African Bio Mineral Balance methodology, USHA Village and Dr. Sebi LA Office healing institutions.
This is unfortunate because the attack can serve as a distraction away from what is truly important and at stake here; healing. Healing from an African and indigenous people’s perspective.
Dr. Sebi supporters have done a pretty amazing job just focusing on Dr. Sebi’s methodology and healing, while staying out of family matters and having respect for the family.
Sometimes though distractions can bleed through, and seemingly need addressing in hopes of bringing the focus back to healing.
Dr. Sebi Scandal Video
This new video has surfaced by an unknown source and it is likely in response to recent attacks on the credibility and reliability of the LA Office Dr. Sebi established.
The video displays court documents and other materials that paints a picture that some family members have tried to take away and undermine his business. Some of the documents have been around before Dr. Sebi died but he didn’t publicize them, still seeking love.
Dr. Sebi’s real name was Alfredo Bowman, and Dr. Sebi was his professional name. Alfredo Bowman was more commonly and lovingly known as Dr. Sebi in the herbalist and nutrition world.
It appears that family members have or are also trying to take control of the Dr. Sebi name.
Dr. Sebi spoke indirectly of his betrayal by some family members by title and not by name in the following video. The scandal video below it does add some context as to who the members were.
Watch the scandal video for more context:
Attacks on Dr. Sebi’s Legacy
The Jermaine Brown incident mentioned in the video and another video by an estranged wife, who now calls herself Mrs. Dr. Sebi and purposely not Mrs. Alfredo Bowman, appears to purposely undermine the LA Office.
Mrs. Dr. Sebi Video
Dr. Sebi’s estranged wife released a video attacking the LA Office. This appears to be a continuation of the attack from when Dr. Sebi was alive.
Dr. Sebi’s daughter Saama Bownan, who is not the estranged wife’s daughter, reluctantly commented on the Mrs. Dr. Sebi video as another play to undermine Dr. Sebi’s legacy.
Dr. Sebi left Saama in charge of the healing village he built; USHA Village. She is also a partner in the LA Office. Saama had this to say on her Facebook account:
Here is the link to this comment: Link. I posted to comment below in case you aren’t able to see the link.
Its funny how people all of the sudden start making false statements and drama. I will love to ask the people that were present at my Dad´s funeral if they ever saw this people that are talking negativity and lies? No! You know why? Because dad didn’t wanted to see them or know anything about them. Now they try to act like they care? He was in jail for 2 months. Did his so called wife that loved him so much as ever go visit him or support him with anything?
No she did not. Since 2014 he cut all type of communication with her. You are gonna start talking about how you loved him and talk about a compromised business? Where were you when his office was left with nothing? Jenny and Pablo were the only ones who supported him.
If you and he were so together i wonder where you were since 2014? He wanted absolutely nothing to do with you! You were out there enjoying all the things that you guys stole, not to also mention the court case. Please don’t make me say anything else…..
Here is the link to this comment: Link. I posted to comment below in case you aren’t able to see the link.
We all have a different businesses but same pathology. We all should respect each other´s work instead of creating drama and false statements to bring each other down. Sick people do those type of things. The truth is we all need healing, and there are different stages of sickness.
If you are creating negativity and spreading false statements it is because you are very sick and you won’t accept it. How can you call yourself a healer if you are not treating your self as well? Healing not only involves herbs, but also involves spiritually and energy.
Please surround your self by positive vibration and peace to be healthy.❤️ God bless and touch your hearts.
Here is the link to this comment: Link. I posted to comment below in case you aren’t able to see the link.
The office is not compromised. The people who are running the office are the same people who helped my dad in 2014 when his business was stolen. Yes stolen! When he went to LA he saw his office totally empty as well as the accounts. They all started from zero (Dr. Sebi, Pablo, and Jenny) and dad put his business in their hands and made them part owners because he trusted them. They are good-hearted and humble people. They were the only ones who showed up when he went trough that.
Its so sad how people express racism towards them. My dad did not ever show anything but love towards them. I will not have a reason to lie to anyone about this. My Dad and I were very close, out of all the children. Since I was born we always were the closest. The loved ones who were always surrounded by the family knows for a fact.
Saama reluctantly made these comments in response to the following video. Though many people would like Saama to more directly address the situation her approach is to remain respectful and not to flame the fire, as was Dr. Sebi’s approach.
The evidence shown suggests there is financial motivation by the parties that continue attacks on the LA Office. It just appears that all attacks on the Office have been strategic because the attacks started only after Dr. Sebi died.
Unfortunately this could bleed over and threaten some people’s faith in the healing methodology established by Dr. Sebi.
Focusing On Dr. Sebi’s Legacy
Family is a very complex thing with good and bad normally done on some level by all parties. Just like someone’s marriage or relationship, it is best to stay out of family affairs as much as possible.
In this situation this is a bit more difficult because the family affairs have an effect on how we pursue healing.
The information provided does support that attacks on the LA Office are financially driven in an effort to take business away from the Office.
Through all of the distractions it is important to keep the focus on supporting and continuing Dr. Sebi’s healing legacy. Dr. Sebi’s healing legacy is his methodology, his herbal company (The LA Office), and his healing village in Honduras (USHA Village).
I have scrutinized Dr. Sebi’s methodology and it has been able to stand up to the scrutiny. I have also applied the methodology and have removed disease in my body.
Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide
The methodology is manifested through the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide, which recommends the most health supporting and least detrimental natural plant foods.
Dr. Sebi’s Herbal Methodology
Trough my healing journey I have researched Dr. Sebi’s herbal methodology and have been able to scientifically support the healing properties of the herbs used in reversing chronic and complex diseases.
You can learn about the herbs used in Dr. Sebi’s methodology and their properties in my book Alkaline Herbal Medicine.
Dr. Sebi’s herbal products, Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food, are available through the LA Office.
The healing methodology is sound and will remain intact, even through adversity. There are also many Dr. Sebi advocacy groups that work diligently to forward his message and to keep his legacy alive.
Dr. Sebi’s USHA Village and LA Office
The other aspects of Dr. Sebi legacy are the healing institutions he made. Dr. Sebi passed on the responsibility of running his healing village, USHA Village, to Saama Bowman.
Saama Bowman is also a partner in the LA Office and has vested interest in the Office.
It is truly unfortunate that there is family division which had led to various attacks on the healing institutions Dr. Sebi made.
If the parties carried out actions against the Office out of love for Dr. Sebi, it would appear that working with Saama to address issues with the Office would have been more productive. Saama could use the help.
Dr. Sebi could have used a lot of help when he was still here. The task of healing a nation is not a simple or small task. It is enormous!
Instead, people put efforts into toppling what Dr. Sebi built, and what he built was likely the reason behind his death.
It looks like the real motivation might be financial, to stop people from buying Dr. Sebi’s products from the Office and for them to start buying their products. This presents the unfortunate opportunity to undermine Dr. Sebi’s legacy and to waste his great accomplishments.
Dr. Sebi manifested the potential for healing through his methodology and through the healing institutions he established. Incredibly, he was able to do this through an African and indigenous people’s perspective that has the potential to break mental and spiritual chains.
We must continue to move forward, and that appears will only be done through love.