Dr. Sebi Review

Methodology Review
I must say I was skeptical when stumbled upon Dr. Sebi and his claims to be able to cure AIDS, diabetes, sickle cell, lupus, arthritis, herpes, epilepsy, and different forms of cancer. These claims would be hard for anyone to believe and would be easy for anyone to dismiss.
I decided to not focus on his claims, ad I scrutinized his methodology heavily as I studied it. Focusing on his claims would have discouraged me from finding the truth in his claims.
I had been stricken with congestion issues, including pneumonia, the flu, colds, and sinus congestion my whole life and I was at my wits end fighting an on and off cold for 3 weeks when I stumbled on some information about the herbalist.
More: The foundation for healing is with consuming alkaline foods on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide »
His claims seemed outlandish but I stayed focused and learned about his methodology. Studying his methodology, and other people’s information on the same subject, his methodology made sense to me and I thought that I should give it a try. It wouldn’t cost me anything but some time and dedication.
A week after I adopted a whole food plant-based diet and started and started cleansing my organs with herbs my congestion went away totally and I haven’t been sick in nearly 4 years since switching to a vegan diet.
I was blessed to have been directed to the herbalist and the benefits of a plant-based diet. This path has revitalized me, has me regain my youth, and has led me to understand the benefits of a plant-based diet in detail.
As a result of this journey I have attained in certificate in plant-based nutrition, spread the knowledge of the benefits of a plant-based diet and have written the book The God-Awakening Diet which explores the relationship between mankind, the Most High, the food we choose to eat and its impact it has on the life of the planet.
The Methodology Explained
The methodology does not follow Western science’s approach to curing disease, which focuses primarily developing synthetic acidic drugs to attack pathogens and toxins in the body.
His methodology is that of the view of traditional medicine that has been used for thousands of years, and was actually passed on to him by a Mexican herbalist who cured him of obesity, diabetes, impotence, and blindness.
The methodology is to simply feed the immune system what it needs to be strong to protect the body against pathogens and toxins, while removing the consumption of pathogenic and toxin laden foods that weakens it.
The constant consumption of acidic and pathogen laden foods weakens the immune system. The body then increases mucus production to protect itself against the acidity and pathogens. The chronic acidity and mucus buildup leads to the development of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation leads to the breakdown of the organs. The breakdown of the organs leaves them susceptible to pathogens and toxins.
Science shows that the body works to maintain a pH of 7.4 in the blood and when people consume acidic diets, the body will compensate by stripping calcium from the bones to keep the blood at a pH of 7.4. This can lead to the development of osteoporosis and a harmful chain reaction which undermines homeostasis.
The whole cycle starts with an acidic body. In general plant foods are either alkaline or alkaline forming in the body, while meat, dairy, and processed foods are acidic or acidic forming in the body.
The oncologist Dr. Vega demonstrated this principle by examining the blood of his patients he treated for cancer. Dr.Vega gave his cancer patients enough goji berry juice to raise their pH to 7.4, all of whom were very acidic beforehand.
He examined his patients’ blood while their urine was acidic and found that their blood samples were full of uric acid and pathogens because the acidic environment paralyzed the white blood cells and they weren’t able to do their job of seek, destroy, and remove of disease in the body.
Once his patients had consumed enough goji berry juice over a few days to raise their urine to a pH of 7.4 Dr. Vega took blood samples and found that the alkaline environment reactivated the white blood and jumpstarted the immune seek to seek, destroy, and remove pathogens and toxins.
On top of the destructive cycle I described, the consumption of acidic foods promote high concentrations of hydrogen in the bloodstream, which interferes with proper oxygen delivery that is needed to support metabolic processes and energy production.
Legal Support Of The Methodology
Dr. Sebi was arrested in 1987 was taken to the Supreme Court for practicing medicine without a license and for making false medical claims of being able to cure AIDS and other diseases.
He was able to beat the case by having people he cured of diseases appear in court and provide medical documentation that he actually cured them. He needed 9 people to provide documentation but instead 72 people showed up with documentation.
He was released and was free to administer his African Bio Mineral Balance compounds to whoever wanted to take them.
Dr. Sebi Review: Because of my positive results using the methodology and the court ruling his methodology gets a “double” thumbs up!
Herbal Product Review
After the Mexican herbalist cured Dr. Sebi of his illnesses he was instructed that he should look to herbs that had chemical affinity with the African body.
The African body would more easily digest those herbs to bolster than immune system and flood the body with phytonutrients that would protect against disease, just like plants use the phytonutrients to protect themselves against disease.
The good thing about these compounds is that they are universal and help to protect everyone, not only Africans. He was able to identify herbs sold by African villagers to support health and vitality.
He took those herbs to a lab for analysis and if the active ingredient in the plant herb addressed the disease it was supposed to, he knew he was on to something.
These African herbs, as well as the herbs of Central and South American tropical climates, have been used for thousands of years to support health and vitality.* It is just that most people have forgotten about them because people most people are totally consumed by the paradigm of Western medicine.
I have successfully used herbs that are part of the herbs he uses in his products to support my health and vitality! Herbs like burdock root, yellow dock, sarsaparilla, santa maria, and many more.
He sells two categories of herbal products, his cell food products and his therapeutic packages. Dr. Sebi’s cell food products are geared towards general cleaning of the body and consist of the following products.
Cell Food Products
- Banju – Addresses nervous issues
- Bio ferro – Provides iron
- Bromide Powder Plus – Highly concentrated mineral pow
der - Estro – Addresses endocrine reproductive system
- Eva Salve – Nourishes the skin
- Eyewash
- Green Food Plus: Chlorophyll rich food
- Hair Follicle Fortifier: Strengthens the hair follicle to promote new hair growth.
- Hair Food Oil: Nourishment for the hair and scalp.
- Iron Plus:
- Testo: Strengthens male health and function
- Tooth Powder: A unique combination of herbs that cleanse the teeth.
- Uterine Wash & Oil: Restores the natural flora of the vaginal canal.
- Viento: Energizer
More: Detailed descriptions of the cell food products can be found here »
You can purchase the “cell food” products online ranging from $18 to $50, and are used to support general maintenance. The one exception is the Small Cleansing Package that costs $250 that can be bought online. The small cleansing package contains a limited amount of the compounds that the therapeutic packages contain, but it doesn’t cleanse as extensively as the therapeutic packages.
Dr. Sebi review: Cell food products get an energetic thumbs up!
Therapeutic Packages
The therapeutic packages cannot be purchased online, and contain a wider range of healing compounds than the small cleaning package and the cell food products. The therapeutic packages are put together to cleanse the body down to the intra-cellular level. Some of the cell food products are included in the therapeutic packages, like banju or bio ferro, depending on the illness being addressed.
More: Detailed descriptions of the therapeutic packages can be found here »
Though I believe in the efficacy of the therapeutic packages, the cost of the therapeutic packages could be problematic for many people. The cost of the packages are as follows: $375.00, $575.00, $750.00, $1500.00 (per month).
Ideally you would want to buy the $1500 package if you are targeting chronic diseases like heart disease, auto-immune diseases, sickle-cell, or cancer for instance. The $1500 is a combination of all the herbs in their strongest doses used to address these more serious conditions.
Spending this type of money can be problematic not only for one month, but especially over several months. If herbs were covered under medical insurance people would be lining up to try the therapeutic packages, but securing this amount of money outside of medical insurance is difficult for many.
It is a difficult choice to make to purchase one of the less expensive therapeutic packages, which consist of less products, because they might not address the problem as well as the more expensive package would.
Dr. Sebi Review: The price of the most effective therapeutic package is steep, but the efficacy of the herbs in the package is real. If you can afford it, go for it.
The therapeutic packages are marketed on the website as being designed for each individual patient. When ordering the therapeutic packages you will find that the packages largely consist of the same products regardless of the chronic disease you are targeting.
The reason for this is the basic treatment for chronic diseases is the same. Depending on the severity of the chronic disease and how long you had been afflicted by it, you would either receive a higher concentration of herbs and a slight variety of herbs which would determine which price range for the therapeutic package that would be suggested for you.
Dr. Sebi Review: I can see how purchasing the more encompassing $1500 therapeutic package can be an overwhelming thing to do, especially since it would take several packages over a period of months to address the illnesses.
For instance the Mexican herbalist who cured Dr. Sebi of diabetes, obesity, impotence, and eye illness did so over a period of ninety days. During that time he drank the highly alkaline thermal waters at the Usha Village, juice fasted, and consumed the therapeutic herbs.
Purchasing the most expensive and most effective therapeutic package can be an overwhelming thing to do, especially when several months supply of the the package will be needed. For the treatment of severe chronic disease it is best to visit the Usha Village.
I purchased the $1500 package for a client and though the therapeutic package was individually customized there wasn’t that much difference from other $1500 packages.
The main difference was the concentration of certain herbs that would have a greater impact in addressing the particular ailment I ordered the package for.
I understood thataddressing of chronic diseases followed very similar pathways and only a few additional herbs or a higher concentration of herbs would be needed to address different diseases.
Others who were not as educated as to how the herbs work might question the ability of the herbs to treat their specific issues.
I think when ordering the packages, the way the therapeutic packages work in supporting health and vitallity could be presented in a clearer way. A more comprehensive answer could have been offered when asking for clarification about the difference in costs between the various therapeutic packages, and why one package would be recommended over another package.
Cancer Treatment Is Different
The only chronic disease I feel is different is cancer, but the diet and herbal methodology is geared towards addressing this pathway also.
Cancer is different from other chronic diseases in that with cancer the DNA of cells become mutated, while other chronic diseases involve a breakdown of metabolic functions caused by pathogens or toxins.
Cells affected by pathogens or toxins can be cleaned or destroyed by the body if necessary, and new cells are put in their place.
Cancer cells lack the necessary components that trigger a cells natural death, and this allows them to continue their unnatural replication that ends up taking over the body.
There are herbs in the therapeutic package that can trigger cancer cell death but the process takes longer than cleansing cells effected by pathogens and toxins, like diabetes, or lupus.
The success of addressing cancer using herbs definitely depends on keeping pathogenic and toxic foods out of the body on a long term basis, while allowing herbs and their phytonutrients to help trigger cell death in cancer cells.
I examined cancer testimonials involving the use of therapeutic packages it appeared the use of the more expensive therapeutic package can quickly stop cancer from growing if the person is eating a proper diet.
Though the herbs can quickly stop the replication of cancer cells, it does normally take longer for the herbs to cause cancer cell death.
Usha Healing Village
The Usha Village presents Dr. Sebi with an advantage many herbal practitioners do not have. This is what really sets him apart from his fellow herbal practitioners.
He has natural high alkaline thermal spring water in the village that he supplies his visitors with for bathing, saunas, and drinking water.
This water has a high ability to quickly and naturally heal the body. Dr. Vega demonstrates in the video in this article how alkalizing the body stimulates and support the immune system, making for a very inhospitable environment for disease to exist in.
Sebi made it clear that he wouldn’t know what to do if he didn’t have access the highly therapeutic thermal spring waters in
the video in this article.
Along with the thermal waters, the village offers alkaline meals, and all the herbs from his cell food products and his therapeutic packages.
Visits are for 7 days at the Usha Village in Honduras in your private villa, and all meals and herbs are included. A minimum stay of 2 weeks is suggested. You should call the office for pricing. All the testimonies suggest it is well worth it!
Dr. Sebi Review: I have as yet had the pleasure of visiting the Usha Village but I have researched several testimonies that all gave glowing reviews.
The reviews described the experience as peaceful as if time stopped, and the therapeutic properties of the thermal waters, food, herbs were extremely healing.
Learn more about the alkaline foods instrumental in supporting health and vitality on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide »