Goji Berries: What Are Goji Berries And Their Benefits?

What Are Goji Berries?
Goji berries, also known as wolberries, are berries that grow in southeastern Europe and Asia and exist as two species: lycium barbarum and lycium chinense. The majority goji berries we purchase come from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of north-central China and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of western China.
Goji Berry Benefits
Goji berries have been used for thousands of years by Chinese herbalists, to boost the immune system, improve circulation, strengthen eyesight, and improve sexual function. The benefits of goji berries are attributed to its synergistic combination of amino acids, vitamins, antioxidant phytochemicals: beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and polysaccharides.
Goji Berries: Improve Blood Functioning And Alkalize The Body
Dr. Vega And Goji Berries
Dr. Marcial-Vega is a renowned oncologist trained at Johns Hopkins University, who did research using goji berries in his treatment of his cancer patients. Dr. Marcial-Vega found a correlation between disease and acidity in the body. The higher the acidity in the body the better the environment to support disease.
Dr. Marcial-Vega treated his cancer patients with goji berry juice to raise his patient’s alkalinity level, because he believed goji berries alkalized the body faster than anything else. Dr. Marcial-Vega Goji administered 1oz to 15oz of goji berry juice per day to his patients, depending on the amount of goji berries were required to bring the saliva to a pH of 7.4.
Dr. Marcial-Vega found that an acidic environment in the body caused red blood cells to clump up together to protect themselves from the acidic environment.
He also found that more bacteria, fungus, cholesterol existed in the acidic environment because the acidic environment paralyzed white blood cells and they weren’t able to seek out and remove the bacteria, fungus, and cholesterol in his patient’s blood. To me the results of using goji berries in his studies were remarkable.
While taking goji berry juice Dr. Vega’s patients experienced the following:
- 90% of his patients had a reversal of acidity to alkalinity.
- 85% of his obese patients experienced significant weight reduction with an increase in lean body mass (no loss of muscle).
- 80% maintained constant levels of hemoglobin, platelets, and white blood cells. That was significant considering cancer patients undergoing cancer treatment usually experience an 80-100% drop in these blood levels.
- 80% of his patients with high blood pressure experienced a drop in their blood pressure. 50% had to decrease or eliminate their high blood pressure medication.
- 75% of all his patients experienced an increase in libido.
- 67% of his patients with high cholesterol experienced a minimum drop of 50 points in 4 weeks.
- 64% of his diabetic patients experienced a decrease blood sugar levels.
Dr. Marcial-Vega found that while his patients were drinking the goji berry juice, they experienced increased energy, slept more deeply, and depression practically disappeared. He was very careful to stress that the effects of goji berries on the blood was so substantial that people on blood medications needed to lower their blood medications pretty quickly. (You should not change or modify your medication without consultation with your primary physician)
Goji Berries
As you can see from video, the effect goji berries have on the body are remarkable. Goji berries were able to raise his patient’s alkalinity level, which helped to activate dormant white blood cells so they could help the body remove bacteria and toxins. Goji berries also alkalized the body which allowed red blood cells to function properly and allowed the blood to transport nutrients more efficiently.
Tags: goji berries, goji berry, goji berry benefits, goji berry juice, goji juice, what are goji berries