Dr. Sebi Minerals, Vitamins?

Dr. Sebi Minerals, Vitamins?
Someone posed the question to me “Aqiyl Aniys could you please address why alkaline Vegans don’t need B12?” I assumed the question came from a statement Dr. Sebi made in a video where he said “we need minerals, not vitamins.” i think there is more context to the statement than just what was in the words.
My Approach to Nutrients
I eat foods to make sure all the nutrients tested for in my blood work come back high. Since I have been eating a highly raw alkaline plant based diet based on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide all my nutrients are on the good to high side, including B12.
Dr. Sebi’s Focus on Minerals
When the food and medical industry speak about nutrients, especially supplements the focus has been primarily on vitamins. Dr. Sebi took the focus off vitamins and put the focus on minerals, like iron.
Dr. Sebi reduced the foods we eat to their base components, which he referred to as minerals. My understanding is Dr. Sebi didn’t make a distinction between organic minerals/elements, like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and inorganic minerals/elements, like iron or calcium. The Periodic Table lists all the natural and well as man-made minerals/elements.
Dr. Sebi challenged the paradigm on Western medicine and science in the way it defined nutrition and the way it developed industries based on isolating and mimicking components from plants, like vitamins, proteins, and yes even minerals.
Dr. Sebi brought the focus back to the base structure that makes up everything in life, which are minerals/elements. Skin, chlorophyll, muscle, fiber all consist of combinations of minerals/elements. Without minerals/elements nothing would exist.
The only reason we are concerned with all the components of the food we eat is because we are constricted by the Western paradigm and Western diet which produced a diet centered on the consumption of meat, dairy, and now processed foods.
Meat, dairy, and processed foods lack minerals needed to support health and vitality. Instead of changing the focus back to consuming a diet centered on natural alkaline plant foods, which are rich in minerals, industries focus on isolating and mimicking nutrients from plants and sell them to you separately, while still feeding you foods deficient in minerals.
Our focus should be on eating an alkaline plant based diet, based on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide, to get all the nutrients we need. We then wouldn’t have to worry so much about the individual components in our food, and if we are getting enough of them.
On top of that these industries focus more on selling vitamins rather minerals which still keeps the body in a state of dis-ease.
Plant’s Role in Making Minerals From Soil Bioavailable
We are dependent on plants for our food, either directly or indirectly, and without them we wouldn’t survive. We either eat plants directly, or we eat animals that the eat the plants, or we eat animals that eat animals that eat plants. The nutrients we consume help to rebuild and maintain the healthy function of organs.
Plants take the minerals/elements from the dirt and air and combine some into organic compounds, and also adapt the minerals (like iron) into inorganic compounds that are usable by the body. (Though dirt contains all minerals, we do not effectively digest dirt to provide us with all the nutrients we need to support healthy organ functions – homeostasis).
Types of Compounds
There are various types of compounds, consisting of varying combinations of minerals/elements. Some of these compounds are organic, like carbohydrates/vitamins, and some are inorganic/minerals.
Organic compounds contain carbon, while inorganic compounds do not. We get carbon to replenish the carbon in the body from organic compounds, which have been termed by Western science as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (nitrogen based compounds), and vitamins. They also serve other functions in the body.
The body also uses inorganic minerals, like iron or calcium, to maintain the healthy function of organs.
Vitamin B12 is a compound that contains the cobalt mineral and also carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. B12 plays a very important part in protecting nerves against damage.
Eating a lot of raw foods, vegetables and fruits, helps to make sure we getting enough B12 to support nerves, blood, and metabolic functions. B12 Benefits »