Detox Diet
Detox Diet

The natural food health movement is reaching people and many want to know what is a detox diet and how to perform a detox diet.
A detox diet is aimed towards modifying a person’s eating habits so he or she consume less food that adds toxins to the body.
Toxins are introduced into the body by other means than eating and drinking, so it is good to have an understanding oh how toxins are introduced into the body.
A toxin is any substance that enters the body resulting in harm to the cells the body. Toxins are can be in our drinking water, the food we eat, in the air, and chemicals we come touch in the environment.
Toxins enter our bodies from smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, and through pesticides and chemicals in food and water. Chemically derived additives and preservatives in foods are harmful to the body as well as asbestos in buildings, smog in the air, and chemicals in soaps, deodorants, and toothpastes.
A detox diet will address harmful substances in the food and liquids we drink, but we also need to be mindful of the other sources of toxins.
Detox Diet
1. A detox diet should include drinking proper amounts of water. The Institute of Medicine recommends men drink approximately 3.7 liters and women drink approximately 2.7 liters of total water from all beverages and foods a day.
Many of us do not drink enough water to properly hydrate the body and bloodstream. Drinking water helps to reduce the concentration of toxins in the bloodstream, and flushes the kidneys of toxins so they can properly excrete the toxins through the urine.
2. A detox diet should consist of large amounts of natural whole foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains. These foods contains nutrients that are in natural synergetic combinations with each other that allow more maximum absorption and healing.
These foods are also part of a detox diet because they are rich in fiber which helps clean the digestive tract and regulate the absorption of nutrients into the body.
3. A detox diet removes or reduces processed foods, as well as increasing natural whole-food plant based life. Processed foods change the natural balance of nutrients in foods and adds toxic chemical additive and preservatives to extend the natural shelf life of food.
They are also used to make the color of food brighter, or to make them taste sweeter. Processed foods like hamburgers are highly saturated with fat that contributes to heart disease. Sodas contain additives like high fructose corn syrup that contribute to obesity. Even what appears to be healthy cereals contain GMO altered gluten that cause bloating and intestinal problems.
Other foods like cakes, hot dogs, and breads are also affected and introduce substances into the body that cause it harm.
These chemical, genetic, and hormonal changes done to the processed foods we eat disturb the natural balance between food and the body and attack the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, skin, and intestines.
A detox diet is needed to put the body back in balance.
4. A detox diet should be void of factory farmed meat and dairy. At the least they should be severely reduced whole doing a detox diet. Factory farmed animals are treated cruelly and are raised in stressful conditions that promote disease.
To combat diseases these animals, such as cows and chickens, are pumped full antibiotics to keep the diseases from spreading and to keep the animals from dying. Diseases that the antibiotics are used to kill become resistant to the antibiotics. The diseases are passed on to people who eat the meat, and the diseases compromise their immune system and cause illness.
The animals are also injected with growth hormones to make them fatter and grow faster. These hormones are passed on in the meat we eat and they disrupt our normal growing patterns and thought processes. These hormones are treated as foreign objects invading the body and they trigger chronic inflammation which compromises the immune system and our health.
More then just a detox diet is needed to toxins and the sicknesses the toxin create in the body, a lifestyle change is needed. I have done a detox diet and have made it a lifestyle change by adopting a plant based diet. The result has been that it has supported my healthy living and I haven’t been sick in two years, not even a cold.
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