Detox Cleanse
Detox Cleanse

A detox cleanse is a great way to get on the path to healthy living. It should be a way to get on the path but not the path itself.
There are no short cuts to healthy living. Long-term healthy living must be achieved through lifestyle changes and not through quick fixes.
A detox cleanse usually lasts for three, seven, fourteen, or twenty-one days. A detox cleanse involves removing substances that bring toxins into the body, while increasing substances that remove toxins from the body.
You can go the highly disciplined route of a “water detox” where you only drink water and don’t eat food for the duration of the fast, or you can eat specific foods that clean and detox the body.
A short-term detox cleanse is most effective if it consists of only water and vegetables. Though fruits, nuts, and seeds are extremely healthy, during a shot-term detox cleanse you want to minimize the amount of carbohydrates and fat you eat.
It is likely that people looking to do a detox cleanse to remove toxins from the body also want to lose weight. During detox cleanse it is better to minimize the amount of sugar, carbohydrates, and fat you eat which will cause the body to use its stored fat which will result in weight loss.
The stored fat traps toxins and when the fat is released into the bloodstream the toxins are also released which gives the liver and kidneys the opportunity to remove them from the body.
Many people are dehydrated to some level. The water helps to hydrate the bloodstream and body so the can operate more efficiently. Water helps to flush the liver and kidneys so the toxins are not as concentrated which takes pressure of them while removing toxins from the body.
The concentration of nutrients from the vegetables also help. The organs in the body need proper amounts of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to operate efficiently. Providing these nutrients strengthens the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and heart as they work to cleanse and heal the body.
Highly alkalizing vegetables on this nutritional guide support the immune system, while factory farmed meat, dairy, and eating processed foods acidify the body and compromise the immune system. Dr. Vega’s video shows how alkalizing the body supports the immune system.
Detox Cleanse Vegetable Juice
A very good way to get a lot of vegetables and water into the body during a detox cleanse is to blend your vegetables and water together. You will be able to consume much more vegetables this way than eating them.
The ingredients for the detox cleanse is modified from my “Bam Bam” juice recipe I drink daily because fatty acids or part of the recipe.
Detox Cleanse Ingredients:
- 2 cups chopped kale
- 10 stems Cilantro
- 1 Apple
- 1 inch piece of Ginger
- 1/4 1/2 tablespoons Cayenne Pepper
- 28fl oz Water
- 1 High speed blender. If you don’t have a high speed blender you may need to add a little more water to make the juice come out smooth.
Kale provides a wide variety of nutrients, and cilantro is an excellent heavy metal detoxifier. Vitamin C from the apple is needed for the body to effectively absorb the non-heme iron of the vegetables.
The recipe makes 3 16oz glasses of vegetable juice. Have two sixteen once glasses of the vegetable juice first thing in the morning, and you can bottle the rest and save it for a late breakfast. Eat three to four small meals, after your initial 2 16oz glass of morning vegetable juice, of the saved vegetable juice and salad before dinner. You can have quinoa and zuchini with a glass of water for dinner, or some more of the vegetable juice.
Pick the vegetables for your salad from the nutritional list for the most alkaline vegetables.
After you are done with your detox cleanse eating any of the foods that are on the nutritional guide is a good way to follow a plant based diet, fight off illness, increase your energy, and support your healthy living.
Tags: detox cleanse