Cleansing Diet
Cleansing Diet To Detox and Heal

If you are looking to do a short-term cleansing diet, one that consists of water and and mostly vegetables is the way to go. A short-term cleansing diet usually consists of a 3-day detox diet to a 21 day detox diet.
If you are looking to do a longterm cleansing diet then a plant based diet that follows this highly alkalizing nutritional guide will cleanse, detoxify, and support your healthy living.
If you don’t feel you can make the transition to a plant based diet then a short-term cleansing diet should be followed by a longterm diet that is full of whole-food vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and water, while minimizing meat, dairy, and processed foods.
A short-term cleansing diet consisting of water and vegetables, from the vegetable section of the nutritional guide, is a highly alkaline diet which supports the immune system, is high in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and is dense in fiber.
I exclude fruits, nuts, and seeds from the short-term cleansing diet even though they are part of the nutritional guide because we want to minimize our sugar and fat intake during a short-term cleansing diet.
Even though sugar and fat from fruits and nuts are good for us, it is likely that part of the reason for doing a “cleansing diet” is to lose weight in a short period of time along with detoxifying the body.
Cleansing Diet – Remove Toxins And Heals The Body
While doing a short-term cleansing diet you want to minimize your sugar and fat intake to force the body to use its stored fat. When the body is forced to use stored fat for energy, weight loss occurs.
Stored fat also holds toxins and releasing the fat also releases the toxins. The body has the opportunity to remove the toxins because they are released into the bloodstream.
This is part of the reason for running into difficulty like getting headaches when you do a cleansing diet. As toxins are being released they cause stress on the organs of the body and they organs take a little time to get used to the rush of toxins. Drinking plenty of water helps to dilute the toxins in the bloodstream and makes detoxing easier.
The concentration of nutrients from the vegetables also help. The organs in the body need proper amounts of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to operate efficiently. Providing these nutrients strengthens the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and heart as they work to cleanse and heal the body.
The vegetables on the nutritional guide are highly alkalizing which helps to support the immune system. Dr. Vega’s video shows how alkalizing the body wakes up dormant white bloods cells, that have been paralyzed by an acidic environment, so they can clear the body of toxins.
Factory farmed meat and dairy, and eating processed foods acidify the body and compromise the immune system allowing disease to take over the body.
Cleansing Diet – Natural Vegetable Juice
I drink my “Bam Bam Vegetable Juice” every morning. This juice is highly alkalizing and is loaded with nutrients and fiber that support the organs and cleanse the body. The juice does contain fatty acids, chia seeds and flax seeds, which I would remove during a short-term cleansing diet to maximize the amount of fat stripped from the body.
Cleansing Diet Vegetable Juice Ingredients:
This recipe makes two sixteen once glasses of vegetable juice. I use an apple to provide vitamin C which helps the body absorb the non-heme iron of the vegetables. It also adds a little sweetness and body to the juice. Cilantro is an excellent heavy metal detoxifier, and kale is super dense in nutrients.
- 1-2 leaves Kale
- 10-15 stems Cilantro
- 1/2 – 1 Apple
- 1 inch piece of Ginger
- 1/4 tablespoon Cayenne Pepper
- 28fl oz Water
- 1 High speed blender. If you don’t have a high speed blender yo made need to add a little more water to make the juice come out smooth.
You could do this juice fast for the entire time you are doing a short-term
If you find you need something a little more solid, you can have a cup of quinoa with some steamed zucchini for dinner.
Two sixteen once glasses of the vegetable juice first thing in the morning should be followed by three to four small meals of either the vegetable juice or salad before dinner. You can have the quinoa and zuchini with a glass of water for dinner, or some more of the vegetable juice.
Tags: cleansing diet