Aqiyl Aniys | Posted October 18th, 2015 | Modified - October 18th, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Do you know the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society recommends a neutropenic diet void of fresh fruits and vegetables ff you have lower-than-normal levels of…
Unbelievable Medical Industry Recommends Neutropenic Diet Void of Raw Fruits And Vegetables
Most deaths and disability in the United States stem from eating a Western diet that is poor in nutrition. Though poor nutrition is responsible for most…
Doctors Have Little Nutrition Education
Scientific evidence supports that Alzheimer’s disease starts in the area of the left hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for processing smell. The…
Left Nostril Smell Impairment in People With Alzheimer’s Disease
It is becoming ever so clear that we are being manipulated to remove our connection to our god-self and the earth, by industry’s goal of moving people away…
Whole Food Plant Based Diet Is The Best Diet For Feeding God In You
Scientists from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada have discovered that malaria protein can be used to kill cancer cells and they…
Scientists Discover Malaria Protein Can Be Used To Kill Cancer Cells
To be clear, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explicitly expressed that he is pro vaccine, but he also expressed that a corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…