Whole Food Plant Based Diet Is The Best Diet For Feeding God In You

It is becoming ever so clear that we are being manipulated to remove our connection to our god-self and the earth, by industry’s goal of moving people away from consuming a whole food plant-based diet or a diet close to it, in favor of the consumption of a meat-centered diet and corrupted processed foods.
Eating diets that minimize the consumption of non-hybrid, alkaline plant foods, in favor of diets that maximize the consumption of meat, meat products, dairy, and processed foods, promote the proliferation of disease in our bodies and severely harms the earth’s ecosystem.
There are natural patterns that permeate all things, which I refer to as God/The Source/Nature in an attempt to encompass all views that recognize these patterns and order. The natural order in whole plant foods support the natural God order in our bodies, and helps to maintain a natural state of homeostasis of our organs that keeps them operating at an optimal level.
The natural God established patterns in the body requires only 10% of the diet to come from fat. Dr. Greger points out in the video (0:15) that the National Research Committee thought recommending a diet that consisted of less than 30% fat would be too difficult for people to achieve, knowing that the data had been long established that 10% fat in the diet was optimal.
A whole food plant-based diet naturally supplies around 10% fat in the diet. A whole food plant-based diet or one close to it protects against heart disease, cancer, lupus, diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other chronic diseases, while a meat, dairy, and processed food centered diet promotes these diseases.
The end result of eating the latter diet is being put in a condition to dis-ease that removes us from the natural healing energy of God and the ecosystem.
The condition of dis-ease presents a barrier or obstacle to being in-tune with the energy of happiness, ease, peace, humility, caring, compassion, empathy, vibrance, and vitality.
We become overwhelmed with the by-products of dis-ease that include lethargy, frustration, anger, sadness, pain, mental dullness, and negative emotions that makes it difficult for us to be in-tune with our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and to promote the well-being in others.
Health institutions water down dietary recommendations supposedly because they believe that accurate recommendations will be too hard for most people to achieve. What this does is give the public the wrong impression of what is needed to achieve health.
Dr. Greger pointed out that a panel of health experts was challenged to answer this question (0:50):
“What do you tell the patient who says ‘I’ll do anything, but I never want to have heart disease,’ or ‘I have had a heart attack, and I never want another”‘”
The answers could be wrapped up in the response that it was time for the public to embrace a plant-based diet.
A plant-based diet based on the non-hybrid, alkaline plant foods in this nutritional guide, based on the Dr Sebi food list, is an excellent way to avoid and treat heart disease, cancer, lupus, and a host of chronic inflammatory diseases.