Aqiyl Aniys | Posted January 31st, 2014 | Modified - January 31st, 2014

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Dr. Greger covers research that looks at the effects of taking multivitamins has on heart disease, cancer, and longevity. What do you think the answer is…
Should We Take Multivitamins? Studies Say ‘Not Really’
CT scans reveal anatomical structures of acupuncture points. A CT (computerized tomography) scan is a series of X-rays used to create cross-sectional images…
Science Appears To Validate The Existence Of Acupuncture Points
Joe Rogan discusses with Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos the arrest of BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem.
Charlie Shrem was charged with three counts that including: one count of operating an unlicensed…
Joe Rogan Discusses BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem’s Arrest
The average American eats 83 pounds of…
Study Shows 50% Of All Tested Chicken Contained Harmful Antibiotic Resistant Chicken Diseases – Understand How To Protect Yourself
Dr. Greger reviewed a study done on the immunostimulatory effects of kale. A Simple study was done by placing white blood cells on an arm…
Kale’s Ability to Boost White Blood Cell’s Ability To Produce Antibodies
Dr. Mark Sircus Speaks About Oxygen Therapy Killing Cancer