Should We Take Multivitamins? Studies Say ‘Not Really’

Dr. Greger is at it again.
He covers research that looks at the effects of taking multivitamins has on heart disease, cancer, and longevity. What do you think the answer is?
In 2011 the “Iowa Women’s Health Study” reported that multivitamin use was associated with a higher risk of total mortality, meaning they lived shorter lives. Say this ain’t so!
Since it was an observational study it left a lot of questions.
Well in 2012 the “Harvard Physicians Study II,” a more scientific study of thousands of people, showed no effect of taking multivitamins on heart disease, cancer, and longevity.
A meta-analysis of many studies covering 91,000 people also showed no effect.
This is not saying that vitamins and minerals do not effect our health. Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy living. It is way more effective and encouraged that we get our vitamins and minerals from eating lots of fruits and vegetables the way nature intended it.
My plant based diet is very effective in supplying with me the vitamins and minerals I need to lead a highly energetic life.