Your Body On Eggs – Manipulating Scientific Studies To Sell Eggs
Your Body On Eggs – Manipulating Scientific Studies To Sell Eggs

Big business is about business and selling products, and not necessarily about doing what is best for you. Case in point is the way the egg board did studies on egg’s effect on cholesterol in the body. To lessen the effect eggs had on raising cholesterol in the body, studies are done on fasting cholesterol levels instead of being done shortly after eggs are eaten.
The studies were framed in a way to lessen egg’s effects on raising cholesterol in the body. Though the studies were scientific, the studies were framed or put together in a way that misled people into believing consuming eggs didn’t raise cholesterol much. The was done to get the public to continue to eat eggs.
The diagram above shows the spikes in blood cholesterol and triglycerides for meals without fat and cholesterol and meals containing eggs. Studies done by the egg board focused on fasting cholesterol levels, which occurred around seven hours after a meal containing eggs was eaten.
This gives a far different impression than if the studies were done two hours after the eggs were eaten. As you can see the results for blood cholesterol during this time is far different from fasting cholesterol levels. In this representation the data was not manipulated, but the way the information was presented misrepresented the way egg consumption actually effects cholesterol levels in the body.
High cholesterol levels are associated increased risk of heart disease and heart attacks. When there is too much cholesterol in your blood there is a good chance it will build up in the walls of your arteries. Over time this leads to a buildup of plaque on the arteries, which narrows and hardens the arteries.
This can slow down or block blood flow to the heart, reducing oxygen that reaches the heart. This combination can lead to chest pain and heart attacks.