Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

What Is Electric Cell Food? Feed Your Brain, Rejuvenate Your Cells, And Reclaim Your Youth

By | September 2nd, 2014 | Modified - September 2nd, 2014


What Is Electric Cell Food Or Electric Food?

Electric Cell Food - Rejuvenate Your Cells And Reclaim Your Youth
Electric Cell Food – Rejuvenate Your Cells And Reclaim Your Youth

We are one big battery, and don’t let that shock you. All of the functions in our bodies are controlled by electrical signals transmitted from our brains through the nervous system, so it is important to keep these pathways free from obstruction.

The nervous system is a two way system that allows the body to send electrical signals back to the brain. These signals jump from cell to cell until the messages reach their destination. These messages are delivered almost instantaneously under normal circumstances.

The body produces electrical messages like 1s an 0s of binary computer code that tells the body what to do, and relays to the brain what is going on in the body.

In order support the quick and snappy delivery of messages through the cells of the body, the cells must be clean and must contain a natural balance of minerals which are determined by our genetic code.

We need to feed the body a predetermined balance of nutrients and minerals obtained from electric cell foods that will support our predetermined genetic code.

Our bodies in this sense are one big battery that produces energy and the energy levels are maintained through the consumption of electric foods, which don’t compromise or interfere with the transmission of the signals throughout the body. The is why when we eat solely electric foods we stay energized.

Electric Cell Food

I learned of the term “electric cell food” from the herbalist Dr. Sebi. The thought behind electric cell food is original, non-hybrid, non-GMO, plant food is constructed in a way that optimizes the delivery of electrical signals throughout the body.

It supplies a natural balance of minerals throughout the body that optimally support the quickest transmittal of messages, which allows the body and mind to operate and respond at their peak performance.

The consumption of meat, dairy, processed foods, and hybridized foods whose makeup has been highly compromised, throws off the natural balance of nutrients off in the body.

This compromises the ability to think clearly and to be emotionally stable, while destroying the integrity of the body. Diets that are plant-based or center on the consumption of plant foods have been determined to supply a natural ratio of 80% carbohydrates, 10% fat, and 10% protein, along with the high concentration of vitamins and minerals.

This is natural ratio of nutrients the body needs to keep the battery optimally charged and to support the quickest delivery of electrical signals throughout the body. This keeps the mind and the body sharp and super responsive.

Electric Plant Foods And Electrolytes

Electric plant foods are high in electrolytes. Electrolytes are mineral salts that are made up of positively charged elements like calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium, and the negatively charged elements like chloride or phosphorous.

The elements interact with each other within cells and the bloodstream to generate and electrical charge or movement that allows the brain to send messages throughout the body, to keep the heart pumping, allows metabolic processes to happen within cells and allows organs to function properly, and to allow muscles to work.

Without electrolytes our brains and bodies would cease to operate. Not only do we need electrolytes, we need them in a specific balance in the body to support homeostasis, which is the state where all the organs and functions in the body are operating at their optimal level.

Electric cell or plant foods supply the natural balance of electrolytes needed to support optimal mental, emotional, and physical function.

Excessive Fat Consumption Impedes The Delivery Of Electrical Signals

Diets high in meat, dairy, and processed foods are high in fat and excess fat in the body impedes the delivery of electrical signals throughout the body. Fat contains only 10-20% water and interferes the the quick delivery of bio-electrical signals. In contrast tissues with optimal levels of fat contain 70-75% water and are better conductors of electrical signals.

Electric Plant Foods Are Alkaline

Electric plant foods are digested by the body and leave behind elements that help keep the blood in a slight alkaline state, with a pH of 7.4, without compromising the state of homeostasis in the body.

The consumption of alkaline foods helps keep the blood in an alkaline state that supports the immune system. Acidity paralyzes white blood cells, putting them in a dormant state that allows disease to unchecked in the body.

Eating only electric cell foods is the best way to keep the body in a state of homeostasis. This will support proper cell regeneration, revitalization of cells, reversal of disease, and a positive physical, mental, and spiritual state of being.

You can find a list of electric foods on this nutritional guide based on the electric non-hybrid alkaline foods recommended by Dr. Sebi.

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About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.