What Can A Vegan Eat?

Vegans eat foods derived from plants. Vegans don’t eat animals or animal products including meat, fish, dairy, or honey. People become vegan for different reasons and a growing reason for eating a vegan diet stems from health concerns.
The current state of meat production supports the proliferation of disease, but also the harmful treatment of animals and the destruction of the earth’s ecosystem.
People who adopt a vegan diet out of health concerns tend to eat healthier plant foods and plant products. People who adopt a vegan diet primarily out of concern for animal welfare will consume vegan food, but not necessarily the most healthy vegan food.
Avoiding the consumption of animal products solely to avoid animal cruelty without eating the better health supporting plant foods seems to miss the big picture.
The health of the human body is as important as the health and welfare of animals. If you consume junk plant foods, like pastries, that undermine the well-being of the mind and body you aren’t having the same level of concern for the human body as you do for animals.
There are many plant based products that contain toxic chemicals made from plants, like high-fructose corn syrup, that support the development of chronic diseases.
Other processed plant foods like bread, cereals, and snacks like potato may meet the vegan requirement but are full of additive sugar, fat, and additives and preservatives that support the development of chronic disease like heart disease.
Focusing on the consumption of whole plant foods should be the goal of consuming a health supporting vegan diet.
What Can a Vegan Eat?
- Meat: none
- Fish: none
- Dairy: none
- Eggs: none
- Honey: none
Grains: Amaranth, Fonio, Kamut, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, Tef, Wild Rice
Legumes: Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)
Nut & Seeds: *Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Hemp Seeds, Pine Nuts, Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter, Walnuts
(*Almonds have recently been removed by Dr. Sebi after years of being on the list, because they were found to contain a compound called amygdalin with contains bound and inert cyanide. The amygdalin compound has been found to target only cancer cells once in the bloodstream and is even considered to be a vitamin, vitamin B17. You can find information about amygdalin and the conspiracy surrounding it here: https://alkalineplantbaseddiet.com/conspiracy-behind-vitamin-b17-amygdalin-laetrile-cyanide-and-cancer-treatment/. I find value in almonds and have been to able to successfully reverse disease in my body while consuming almonds. Amygdalin is also found in many commonly eaten foods and herbs.)
Hemp seed milk, Coconut milk, Walnut milk, Almond milk (It is better to make your own milk than to buy it to make sure you are drinking pure nut or seed milk.)
Fruits (Whole fruits and not canned fruits that are processed and contain cancer causing additives and preservatives)
Apples, Bananas, Berries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Currants, Dates, Figs, Grapes -seeded, Key Limes, Mango, Melons -seeded, Oranges, Papayas, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Prickly Pear, Prunes, Raisins -seeded, Soft Jelly Coconuts, Soursops, Tamarind
Vegetables: Amaranth greens (Callaloo), Avocado, Bell Peppers, Chayote (Mexican Squash), Cucumber, Dandelion greens, Garbanzo beans (Chickpeas), Green Banana, Izote (cactus leaf), Kale, Lettuce (all, except Iceberg), Mushrooms (all, except Shitake), Mustard greens, Nopales, Okra, Olives, Onions Purslane (Verdolaga), Poke salad, Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori), Squash, Tomato (Cherry and Plum only), Tomatillo, Turnip greens, Watercress, Zucchini
(It is best to minimize the use of oils because they are not a whole foods and using too much oil can lead to inflammation, support the development of diabetes, and damage arteries)
Grape seed Oil (minimize use because it is high in omega-6), Sesame Oil, Hempseed Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Oil (Better not to cook with – destroys integrity of the oil at high heat), Coconut Oil (Better not to cook with – destroys integrity of the oil at high heat)
Achiote, Basil, Bay leaf, Cayenne (African Bird Pepper), Cilantro, Coriander, Dill, Habanero, Marjoram, Onion Powder, Oregano, Parsley, Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori), Pure Sea Salt, Sage, Savory, Sweet Basil, Tarragon, Thyme
Herbal Teas
(It is better to drink herbal teas than regular tea, like green tea, because they don’t contain caffeine and contain a wide range of phytonutrients that support the immune system)
Alvaca, Anise, Chamomile, Cloves, Fennel, Ginger, Lemon grass, Red Raspberry, Sea Moss Tea
(As with oils you should minimize your consumption of additive sugar)
Date sugar is the best sugar to consume from a health point of view. Date sugar is simply dried and ground dates. All of its nutrients are intact (except for its water) which controls digestion of its sugar.
100% Pure Agave Syrup (from cactus) is good but its processing can compromise its carbohydrate structure
100% Pure Maple Syrup – Grade B recommended /Maple “Sugar” (from dried maple syrup) is good but harmful chemicals sometimes used to keep the whole in the tree open gets into the syrup
Along with following the nutritional guide, I also used herbs during the first three months of my conversion to a plant based diet.