WCRF International’s 8th Cancer Prevention Recommendation: Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

The World Cancer Research Fund International’s 8th Cancer Prevention Recommendation is to meet nutritional needs through diet alone and not through the use of vitamin and mineral supplementation.
The Consumption of a well balanced whole food plant-based diet or a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other and other plant foods will supply most people with the nutrients needed to reduce cancer risk.
A few studies have shown that some supplements do protect against some cancers, but the studies have been done with limited groups of people and the results cannot be applied to the general population.
Some studies have shown that high dosages of vitamin and mineral supplements have increased cancer risk.
The World Cancer Research Fund International’s public health goal is to increase to amount of people eating a well balanced diet rich in plant foods, and it recommends that people shouldn’t use vitamin and mineral supplements to reduce cancer risk.
Tags: anti-cancer, cancer awareness