Vegan Food List For Awakening The Mind And Restoring The Spirit And Body
Vegan Food List For Awakening The Mind And Restoring The Body

We may not realize this but the food we eat not only effects our bodies but they also effect our minds and spiritual being, and a good vegan food list can help supply the food to support them. If you are easily angered, saddened, frustrated, or routinely get overwhelmed by any negative emotion, it may be more than your perception at work. The food we eat supports positive well-being as well as negative-being, and constantly being overwhelmed by negative emotions can be a sign that the food you are eating is contributing to them.
To support positive well-being we need to keep or put our bodies back in a state of homeostasis, and eating mostly foods from a good vegan food list supports well-being. Homeostasis is the state where all of the body’s organs and functions are operating at their best. When our body’s are not in a state of homeostasis we allow for illness to set in. This illness can be subtle and not only effect the body, but also effect the mind and our emotional and spiritual well-being.
A vegan food list that supports physical and mental well-being is one that consists of alkalizing whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and some grains. Not all vegan foods are equal and have the same nutritional value and positive effect on the body. The foods on the vegan food list are from this nutritional guide and they support well-being for several reasons.
These vegan foods are highly alkalizing and support an environment in the body that is inhospitable to disease. The alkalizing effect of these vegan foods also promote oxygen concentration in the bloodstream, which leads to better energy production and the removal of fatigue.
Vegan whole food does not contain cholesterol, which supports heart and cardiovascular health. Improved cardiovascular health and increased oxygen in the blood allows better circulation and transport of oxygen to the brain. Oxygen is crucial for brain growth and healing.
Whole vegan food is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that play vital roles in keeping the organs operating at their best. When our organs become overwhelmed or fail, our energy dwindles, fatigue and pain sets in and that makes it hard to be at our emotional and spiritual best. Load up with what is naturally provided to us to help keep us at our best.
Vegan Food List – Fruits
No canned fruits or Seedless fruits
- Apples
- Avocado
- Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)
- Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries (acidic)
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Currants
- Dates
- Figs
- Grapes -seeded
- Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
- Mango
Tags: beginner vegan foods list, free vegan grocery list, vegan food list, vegan grocery list, what is a vegan diet