Vegan Fast Food Is Better Than Non Vegan Fast Food
It is better to eat whole vegan food rather than vegan fast food. Eating vegan whole food reduces the amount harmful sugar, fat, and chemical additives and preservatives we take into our bodies. This is a reason why vegans who primarily eat vegan fast food may carry excess weight and have compromised health and immune systems.
The substances in vegan fast food that compromise its healing factors are the same substances in non vegan fast food, which multiplies the harmful effects of non vegan food in the body. Animal protein over 10 percent of the total daily calories consumed has been scientifically shown to support the development of cancer in the body. That is only speaking to animal protein in general and not animal protein derived from factory farmed animals. The process of factory farming animals introduces other chemicals and toxins which only makes the situation worse.
I feel eating whole vegan food best supports healthy living, but it is often difficult to path to to reach. In this case eating vegan fast food has its place, but that place should lead to the path of eating whole vegan food and not to the path where eating vegan fast food becomes the norm. I think we shouldn’t become complacent in eating vegan fast food because we may be comforted that it is vegan. Eating whole vegan food prepared in our own homes is better for us and gives us more control over the food and ingredients we eat.
To best support healthy living, it is best to carry your own whole vegan food that includes foods like, almonds, apples, oranges, strawberries, walnuts, water, or prepared food like salads, fruit smoothies, vegetable juices, quinoa and green peas, quinoa salad, or a garbanzo beans salad. You can find more healthy options from this vegan shopping list.
If you find it to be difficult to carry vegan food with you, there are some decent fast food restaurants to pick up some vegan fast food, but you shouldn’t rely on them to be the staple of your diet.
Chickpea is a fast food restaurant based on the Mediterranean diet whose slogan is “Always baked, never fried.” Chickpea is a falafel and salad fast food restaurant that bakes its falafel chickpeas instead of frying them.
This cuts down on the amount of oil that is consumed, and the oil could possibly have been hydrogenated oil, which is harmful to our healthy living. Chickpea has many gluten-free dishes, but you should weary of its labeling of its wraps as gluten free. The wraps are made of wheat, so they are not gluten-free.
Chickpea also has many vegan and vegetarian options. Falafel salads and regular salads are available and you get to your choice of toppings. Chickpea also offers platters, plates, wraps, and pocket sandwiches with your choice of a variety hummus and a variety of falafels, like its spinach and broccoli falafel.
Chickpea has many vegan options and it appears its only real limitation is its locations are currently limited to the New York City area.
Chipotle has been doing good things. The Chipotle non GMO move which had it moving away from the use of GMO food was an excellent move. Chipotle is a Mexican grill that does offer meat, cheese, and sour cream, but you can avoid them and stick to giant burritos, tacos, rice bowls, and salads packed with grains, greens, veggies, and guacamole. If you need to find some vegan fast food rather than non vegan fast food, Chipotle may be an option.
Taco Bell
Taco Bell is another Mexican Grill that offers vegan dishes, but Chipotle might be a step up in the quality of its food.
I was a bit reluctant adding Subway to this list because it mainly sells sandwich based food. I avoid eating processed bread and wheat, but they do offer a “Veggie Delight” sandwich for bread lovers who are in a bind and need to get something to eat.