UVA Cancer Center’s Women’s Four Miler Is On Its Way

The University of Virginia Cancer Center’s biggest event of the year is set to take place on Labor weekend on the streets of Charlottesville. If you are in the area expect to see women dressed in ballerina tutus, tiaras, and feather boas running the streets in the UVE Cancer Center’s Four Miler to support cancer research.
The compelling part about the run starts weeks before the run. Participating women take part in an eleven week program where they prepare for the physical aspect of the race, which results in them learning how to improve their health and physical bodies.
The Training Director, Pam Whorley, said:
“It’s their summer that empowers them. It gives them the permission to take care of themselves, to learn about their health, to learn about their care, which they then go out and give to everybody else, children, friends, coworkers, community.”
Participant Pink Pammie said the motivation of her fellow participants makes it easy for her to get up early in the morning and train. She said:
“These women give me such strength and they give me a reason to smile. I love what I do and I love being able to help them and I actually don’t feel like I don’t do anything. I’m just having a good time. I get to run around in a tutu and a bow and a tiara or whatever.”
Their training routine consists of singing and dancing which builds a bond that lasts past the event. Their hard work and dedication pays off and they were able to raise $375,000 that went towards supporting The University of Virginia Cancer Center and the Mobile Mammogram. Their goal this year is to raise $400,000.