Studies Show Cow’s Milk Promotes Prostate Cancer Growth

The concern is the estrogen hormones in cow’s milk stimulates the growth of hormone sensitive tumor cells. In vitro (in a petri dish) organic cows milk stimulated the growth of prostate cancer cells.[1] Organic cow’s milk was used to control for added hormones and toxins in conventional cow’s milk. Interestingly, almond milk suppressed the growth of tumor cells by thirty percent.
What happens in vitro doesn’t necessarily happen in the human body, but it gives a good indication as to what may likely happen. A meta-analysis of all the best studies done on cow’s milk effect on prostate tumor growth supports the in vitro study.
The latest meta-analysis of all the best case studies[2] and cohort studies[3] confirm that cow’s milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate cancer. One study found that cows milk consumption during adolescence was associated with a three times increase for the risk of prostate cancer.[4]
[1] P. L. Tate, R. Bibb, L. L. Larcom. Milk stimulates growth of prostate cancer cells in culture. Nutr Cancer. 2011 63(8):1361 – 1366.
[2] L.-Q. Qin, J.-Y. Xu, P.-Y. Wang, T. Kaneko, K. Hoshi, A. Sato. Milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate cancer: Meta-analysis of case-control studies. Nutr Cancer. 2004 48(1):22 – 27.
[3] L.-Q. Qin, J.-Y. Xu, P.-Y. Wang, J. Tong, K. Hoshi. Milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate cancer in Western countries: Evidence from cohort studies. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007 16(3):467 – 476.
[4] J. E. Torfadottir, L. Steingrimsdottir, L. Mucci, T. Aspelund, J. L. Kasperzyk, O. Olafsson, K. Fall, L. Tryggvadottir, T. B. Harris, L. Launer, E. Jonsson, H. Tulinius, M. Stampfer, H.-O. Adami, V. Gudnason, U. A. Valdimarsdottir. Milk intake in early life and risk of advanced prostate cancer. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2012 175(2):144 – 153.
Tags: cows milk prostate cancer