Searl Generator Is An Alternate To Solar Power For Off Grid Living

John Searl made the Searl Effect Generator (SEG), commonly known as the “Searl Generator” as a self contained electrical power generator. The Searl Generator uses magnet components to self start to produce movement and to generate electricity in AC or DC form.
The Searl Generator is approximately 14 inches in diameter and four inches high, and uses magnetism to convert nature’s ambient sources of unlimited energy into electricity without the use of fossil fuels and it leaves no carbon footprint. Under the right conditions the Searl Generator produces a unique gravitomagnetic force that produces anti-gravitational properties.[1]
The Searl Generator also produces a negative charge, and studies have shown that negative charges kill viruses and bacteria.
Remarkable technologies like this have been killed by the energy industry so they can maintain their profits, which results in depleting the earth’s natural resources and destruction of the earth’s ecosystem. John Searl had also faced his own hardships and persecution at the hands of big business.
…I have since been kicked for doing so (creating the S.E.G.) and today am still getting kicked for doing so. Whether they kick me or not, the S.E.G. is coming to the market here in America and in China. We have signed a contract legally and I guarantee we are going to get the S.E.G. to the market whether these people like it or not I don’t care a damn. I’m interested in saving the planet, it’s crying for help.” – John Searl 2015
Tags: natural life energy, searl generator, searl generator natural life energy