Proposition 37 Opposition Gaining Momentum – Support Proposition 37 On The November 6 Ballot
We Should Have The Right To Know What Is In The Foods We Eat. Label Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs).

Proposition 37 is an initiative on the California November 6th ballot that would require the mandatory labeling of foods that have been genetically modified or that contain genetically modified ingredients.
A month ago a LA Times poll showed that support for Proposition 37 was at 61% and 25% against it. Now support for Proposition 37 has dropped dramatically to 44% and now 42% are against it, and 14% are undecided.
Surge Of Big Corporate Funding And Advertising Is Reducing Proposition 37’s Chance Of Passing
It appears that the sudden decline of support for Proposition 37 is due to a well designed media blitz aimed towards making claims that mandatory GMO labeling would result in an increase in the price of foods, and that genetically modified foods present no harm. The do refer to the short term studies, studies called tobacco science designed towards avoiding finding problems, used and generated by the big businesses who are dependent on GMOs. These short term studies are coming under scrutiny as long term studies are showing links between GMOs and cancer, video 1, video 2.
The opposition to Proposition 37 has been able to spend over $35 million on their advertising campaign, while some estimates go as high as $41 million. This is 10 times the amount the supporters of Proposition 37 have been able to generate. This results in the opposition’s ability to bombard voters and potential voters with advertisement that has been able to reduce support for Proposition 37 in current polling statistics.
Since the opposition has so much more funding to support its agenda, we have to use all the power and influence we can to help get the Proposition 37 message constantly seen and remembered. Though you may not be able to vote on the California ballot, please use your social networking power and share all links and posts supporting Proposition 37 with your social networks. This is a way to empower the people against the corporate giants. Let democracy work for us!