Natural Heartburn Remedies

Natural Heartburn Remedies address either stopping or limiting acid in the stomach from entering the esophagus or either soothing the tissues in the esophagus.
Heartburn is the burning sensation felt in the chest as stomach acid moves from the stomach into the esophagus, up past the throat, and into the lungs.
Heartburn is a result of acid reflux which occurs when the ring of muscles at the end of the esophagus doesn’t close properly. The ring of muscles called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) normally closes after food moves from the esophagus to the stomach. The first remedies would address getting the LES to close properly.
1. A High Fiber Diet
A common reason for the development of acid reflux is a hiatus hernia. A hiatus hernia often develops from straining to defecate because of the consumption of low-fiber diets.
The consumption of low-fiber diets results in the formation of short, hard stool which is difficult to pass. The excessive pressure put on the colon to pass the stool also forces the stomach upward into the hiatus opening in the diaphragm.
The stomach either gets pushed up into the esophagus past the LES, which is called a sliding hiatus hernia, and allows acid to freely move into the esophagus.
Also, the stomach can be pushed up through the diaphragm and sit next to the esophagus, which can keep stomach acid near the LES and allow it to seep into the esophagus.
Eating a high fiber diet will reduce to pressure put on the stomach and allow it to move back into its original position.
2. Physical Therapy
Massaging techniques are used to move the stomach out of the esophagus and to move the stomach back into its original position. The videos demonstrate two techniques that help to accomplish this.
3. Drink Ginger Root Tea
Phenol compounds in ginger root protect the mucous lining in the esophagus and inhibit the secretion of gastric acids.[1]
Make Ginger Root Tea
1 inch piece of ginger root
2 cups of water
Slice the ginger root into several slices to make it easier for the water to penetrate the whole root. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and reduce fire to a low simmer.
Add in the slices of ginger and let simmer for 20 minutes, and let the tea cool afterwards. Drink the ginger root tea 15-20 minutes before a meal to act as a buffer against the meal.
4. Bananas
Bananas are a demulcent, which means they form a soothing film over the mucous membrane lining the esophagus, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the esophagus.
5. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are high in fiber which will help in reversing a hiatus hernia. Leafy greens are more easily and quickly digested by the stomach, causing less agitation of the stomach acid in comparison to animal protein and fat that stays in the stomach longer and fill the stomach. A full stomach pushes stomach acid upwards into the esophagus.
6. Sea Moss
Sea moss is a seaweed and is an excellent demulcent. You can blend sea moss and water together and drink some periodically to help sooth the esophagus and stomach. Learn about sea moss.
7. Nopal Cactus Paddle
The leaf or paddles of the nopal cactus are nutrient dense and contain demulcent properties that coat and heal the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Cut a section of the paddle and blend with enough water to fill a pitcher and drink periodically.
7. Linden, Tilia Herb
The Linden or Tilia herb is used in traditional medicine to sooth and health the mucous membrane throughout the body because of its demulcent properties and is useful in treating tissues in the esophagus that are irritated and damaged by the reflux of stomach acid.