Music’s Effect On Calmness And Anxiety
Studies show that music does affect the way we well and can either contribute to our calmness or our anxiety. Different types of music appears to effect people in the same way, from the young to the elderly and from the healthy to the sick.
Slower classical music from Mozart and similar musicians won out, cutting stress hormones in half and lowering blood pressure in people who listened to him with headphones on compared to people with headphones on listening to nothing.
After listening to Mozart for fifteen minutes people reported a significant reduction in tension. People listening to New Age music reported an even higher reduction in tension, less hostility, and more relaxation. They did report they felt less mental clarity and vigor.
After listening to grunge rock people felt more hostile, sad, tense, and tired.
After listening to classical music for 30 minutes there was a significant drop in the stress hormone cortisol. Listening to techo music stress hormone levels went up.