Mucus Forming Foods – Out With Acidic Foods And In With Alkaline Foods

Mucus is a necessary substance the body produces to keep organs from drying out and also to trap harmful organisms and toxins that enter the body.
Once disease is trapped in the mucus, the body can more easily neutralize and excrete them. Though the body’s production of mucus is a good thing, limiting the consumption of mucus forming foods is ideal.
The over-consumption of mucus forming foods causes the over-production in the body, which compromises the integrity of the protective mucus membrane that lines the organs.
Highly acidic foods and pathogen laden foods are mucus forming foods, and the increased production of mucus throws the body out of a state of homeostasis.
Their consumption prompts the body to increase production of mucus as one of the body’s mechanisms for neutralizing the harmful effects of the acidity and pathogens.
To keep the level of mucus in the body at a normal level, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of mucus forming foods.
Foods That Cause Excess Mucus
Dairy products are likely the most mucus forming foods of all. Excessive milk consumption has been associated with increased lung and nose mucus production for a very long time.
There has been limited medical studies that show a cause and effect relationship between milk consumption and increased milk production, even though there are countless personal stories that support the association.
More: Learn more about alkaline mucus reducing foods on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide »
The way studies have been performed may be the reason for the lack of supporting evidence, and this medical hypothesis[1] asserts that the conventional allergic paradigm cannot explain the association.
The hypothesis supports milk as being a mucus forming food because its contains a protein called casein that the stomach breaks down into a substance called casomorphin.
Casomorphin stimulates the production of mucus from the gut MUC5AC glands. In the presence of inflammation it stimulates the overproduction of mucus from respiratory MUC5AC glands.
Circulation of casomorphin in the bloodstream could also stimulate the production of mucus in these glands.
Acidic foods are mucus forming foods. The body work to maintain at pH of 7.4, which is needed to support homeostasis.
Animal-based foods and processed foods are acidic forming foods that contain pathogens and chemicals that cause the body harm. The body increases its mucus production as way to trap and combat these harmful substances.
Some acid forming foods are beef, chicken, eggs, and lamb. This alkaline vs acidic foods chart provides a list of mucus producing foods as well as alkaline foods.
“Thick Mucus In Throat?” Lets Reduce The Mucus!
[1] Bartley J, McGlashan SR. Does milk increase mucus production? Medical Hypotheses. 2010 Apr;74(4):732-4.
Tags: mucus binding foods, mucus foods to avoid, mucus forming foods sinus