Canada’s Marijuana Vending Machines Don’t ID You
Canada’s Marijuana Vending Machines That Don’t ID You

Natural Life Energy
Marijuana Vending Machines are a hot new topic along with the legalization of marijuana in many U.S. states.
Along with the first marijuana vending machine unveiled in Avon Colorado, BC Pain Society marijuana dispensary of Vancouver Canada has now joined in with what will definitely be a long list of places with marijuana vending machines.
There is something a bit special about the newly installed BC Pain Society’s nmarijuana vending machine. It doesn’t ID you.
That’s right, it doesn’t require your ID information in order to purchase marijuana from the marijuana vending machine so your transaction is kept anonymous.
Customers do have to be 19 or older, and are required to show a signed form coming from a medical professional in order to enter the section of the BC Pain Society marijuana dispensary that houses the marijuana vending machines.
Licensed medical marijuana users are able to make purchases from the marijuana vending machines without a hassle and without waiting on lines.
Justin Johnson, a licensed medical marijuana user who uses the drug to treat lower back pain said:
“I know what I want, I can avoid the lineup, come right up to the machine, put my $20 in, grab my baggie and go; bada bing, bada boom, done…”
“We put it in the vending machine to cut down on theft and handling…”
“It’s packaged up and sealed professionally. So you come in, you buy your product, it’s fresh, it’s quick and easy, and you’re out of here in minutes.”
Licensed medical users can purchase an eighth of an once of marijuana in a sealed tamperproof bag for $20, an half-ounce for $50, and smaller quantities of $4 to $6 from two re-purposed gum-ball machines.
The marijuana vending machines dispenses various strains of marijuana including: Cotton Candy, Hemp Star, Purple Kush, and Pink Kush, BHO PK, Black Hash, Bubble Hash, PK Kief, and Master Kush.
The BC Pain Society has a sweet setup, but it is not quite legal. Health Canada states the law has changed as of April 1, 2004 and 30,000 home-based growing operations and distributors across Canada are no longer able to supply medical marijuana.
Only small networks of large-scale, for-profit growers certified by the health agency can supply medical marijuana.
The B.C. Pain Society keeps its doors open thanks to what many proprietors openly call a “legal gray area.”
The Vancouver Police’s official stance is that while medical marijuana dispensaries are indeed illegal, raiding them is far from its top priority and targeting violent gang members and other operations that pose a danger to the public is the priority.
Tags: marijuana vending machines