Liver Damage Symptoms
By Aqiyl Aniys | July 24th, 2014 | Modified - July 24th, 2014
Liver Damage Symptoms

It is important to remember that these liver damage symptoms by themselves are not necessarily signs of liver damage.
10 Signs Of Liver Damage:
- Jaundice: Is the yellowing of the skin and white part of the eyes. Bilirubin is a waste byproduct of old red blood cells that is normally excreted in bile and urine, but builds up in the body and causes the yellowing of the skin and eyes.
- Nails become curved and white rather than pink
- Swollen Abdomen: Severe scarring (fibrosis) of liver tissue (called cirrhosis) compromises liver function and can result in extremely high pressure buildup in the blood vessels of the liver and low levels of a protein called albumin. This causes a condition called ascites and fluid build up in the space between the lining of the abdomen and abdominal organs causing swelling.
- Swollen Legs and Ankles: Cirrhosis can also cause fluid retention (edema) in the legs. The edema is a result of the low levels of albumin and the kidneys retaining salt and water.
- Retaining Fat: A damaged liver’s ability to produce bile becomes compromised. Bile is used to break down fat so the body can use it for energy. A lack of bile results in more stored fat in the body and a lack of energy.
- Weight Gain: Fluid and fat retention results in weight gain.
- Constant Fatigue: A damaged liver’s inability to remove toxins from the body allows toxins to accumulate in the bloodstream. This accumulation interferes with proper oxygenation resulting in a cut in energy supplied to organs.
- Blood Clotting Takes Longer: A damaged liver may have difficulty making the clotting protein called fibrinogen.
- Darker Urine: A damaged liver can to lead to an excessive amount of bilirubin in the urine, giving it a darker than normal color.
- Lighter Stool: A damaged liver’s ability to produce bile can be compromised resulting in less bile which is responsible for stool’s brown color.
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Tags: 10 signs of liver damage, cirrhosis, edema, fibrosis, liver damage symptoms
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