Kale’s Ability to Boost White Blood Cell’s Ability To Produce Antibodies
Kale’s Ability to Boost White Blood Cell’s Ability To Produce Antibodies

Dr. Greger reviewed a study done on the immunostimulatory effects of kale. A Simple study was done by placing white blood cells on an arm and then dripping raw kale on the white blood cells.
The white blood cells were than tested to see if the kale boosted the white blood cell’s ability to produce antibodies.
The results were remarkable. The same procedure was then used with overly cooked kale. Overly cooking kale destroys some of its nutrients so the researchers wanted to see how that would affect the white blood cell’s ability to produce antibodies.
To Dr. Greger’s surprise the overly cooked kale increased the white blood cell’s ability to produce antibodies.
That doesn’t mean you should overly cook your kale. You want the best of both worlds. You want to maintain as many nutrients as possible plus keep its immunostimulatory effects.