Jay Z Goes Vegan With Beyonce for 22 Days For His 44th Birthday
Jay Z Goes Vegan With Beyonce

Credit: Kevin Mazur/WireImage
Jay Z goes vegan for 22 days for his 44th birthday along with Beyonce. Jay Z will start his vegan 22 day journey on December 3rd which is a day before his birthday. Numbers appear to play an important role in Jay Z’s life because the numbers relate to each other for Jay Z and means something spiritual to him.
22 is half of 44 and Jay Z wrote “22 (2+2=4)” so it just feels right, and Jay Z’s vegan journey will end on Christmas day which has a significant feeling for him. Jay Z explains on his website that this will be a spiritual cleanse as well as a physical cleanse.
Jay Z accepted the challenge to go completely vegan, or as he corrected himself, eat a plant based diet for 22 days. He decided to do this as a result of his friend challenging him to eat a plant based breakfast every day. Jay Z said it was easier than he thought and this led him to accept the challenge of a 22 day vegan journey and eat only a plant based diet.
The technical difference between being a vegan and eating a plant based diet is that vegans don’t eat meat and also don’t use products made from animals. A person who eat a plant based diet may use products made from animals like wearing leather shoes.
I am glad Jay Z is going on this vegan journey because he can bring awareness to many people than the average person couldn’t reach. Jay Z’s reach also encompasses the streets so he can help bring awareness to average people, and people whose eating habits greatly need help.
I hope Jay Z and Beyonce are both positively affected by this vegan experience and they use their status and connections to help bring a greatly needed awareness of the benefits of a plant based diet to inner city communities.
Tags: jay z goes vegan