Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

How Often Should I Go To The Bathroom?

By | October 30th, 2013 | Modified - October 30th, 2013

How Often Should I Go To The Bathroom?

How Often Should I Go To The Bathroom?
How Often Should I Go To The Bathroom?

How often should I go to the bathroom basically should be determined by how often you eat.

You will find many different answers the the question, “How often should I go the bathroom?” The answers will range from several times a day to at least once a week.

You shouldn’t have to wait until you feel a lot of pressure in your stomach or feel constipation to go to the bathroom.

I now go to the bathroom several times a day since I have adopted a plant based diet, and the bloated feeling in my stomach has gone away.

I Go To The Bathroom More Now

Why do I go to the bathroom more now since I have adopted a plant based diet? Does the food I eat influence how much I go to the bathroom and have bowel movements?

Yes it does. A plant based diet consisting of a lot of vegetables and fruits contains a lot of fiber and water. Along with the plant based diet I also began drinking one half to one gallon of water a day. The fiber and water increased the amount of times I go to the bathroom.

How Often Should I Go To The Bathroom?

Let us look at this scientifically. It take a person twenty-four to seventy-two hours to completely digest his or her food. That is the time it takes for food to move from the mouth, go through the digestive process, and be excreted from the body.

The amount of times you eat a day should influence on how many times a day you go to the bathroom.

If you are a person who completely digests your food in twenty four hours then the food you ate at 9am today you should be ready to go to the bathroom by 9am tomorrow. If you ate again at 12pm today then you should be ready to go the bathroom by 12pm tomorrow.

If you then at at 7pm today you should be ready to go to the bathroom by 7pm tomorrow. Then you continue the cycle.

We throw this cycle off because when we are not home we often stop ourselves from going to the bathroom. This combined with eating foods that lack fiber, like meat, dairy, and processed foods compromise our natural digestive process.

These actions weaken the intestines over time and can lead to diverticulitis and disrupt waste from moving through the intestines properly and in a timely fashion.

Since I adopted a plant based diet I can easily go to the bathroom three to five times a day. I don’t feel bloated anymore, and I feel light, mobile, and energized.

If you are not pooping every day, I think you need to examine if you are getting enough fiber and water in your diet, and if you are eating too much processed food, meat, and dairy.

Eating a whole-food plant based diet and drinking plenty of water is a great way to go to the bathroom more often, cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen the intestines, and support healthy living.

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About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.