Heart Disease Starts In The Wombs Of Mothers With High Cholesterol Levels

Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. Fortunately science has shown that 90% of these deaths can be avoided with a corrective diet that is centered on whole plant foods.
Unfortunately at our present time too many people are not listening to the message.
Bad eating habits and atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol plaque buildup, starts off as early as childhood.
Well it was thought this disabling and death causing disease started during childhood, but new evidence says atherosclerosis starts in the fetuses of pregnant mothers.
Researchers studied the arteries fetuses from miscarriages and the arteries of premature newborns who died shortly after birth.
The examinations revealed unsettling information indicating that fatty streak formations started in the arteries as early as the fetus development stage.
The fatty formations or lesions in the arteries increased as the cholesterol levels of the mother’s increased. Women with higher than normal cholesterol levels in their blood had fetuses that had dramatically greater fatty streaks or lesions in their arteries.
This evidence brings to light not only the importance of women reducing high cholesterol levels for their own health, but also for the welfare of their unborn children.
It is becoming more evident everyday that the quality of food people choose is the primary contributor to people being healthy or unhealthy. Recently the World Health Organization released a report stating the consumption of processed meats caused cancer, and the consumption of red meat likely caused cancer.
Science is understanding more about how the consumption of different foods affect our development everyday, and the information is all pointing to the consumption of a Western diet being detrimental to one’s health.
Now it appears that the diet choices pregnant women make not only affect their own health, but their diet also affect the health of their unborn babies.