Fox Fires Two Reporters For Exposing Cancer Caused By Monsanto’s Bovine Growth Hormone
Bovine Growth Hormone In Milk Linked To Cancer

Two reporters from Fox Television were asked to do any stories they wanted to, to ask tough questions, and to get answers. They did a story on milk in Florida that was adulterated with Monsanto’s bovine growth hormone. Monsanto worked effectively to get the bovine growth hormone on the marketplace.
The federal government basically rubber-stamped it, before they put the bovine growth hormone on the marketplace. The longest test done on human toxicity was ninety days on thirty rats. Either Monsanto misreported the results to the FDA or the FDA didn’t bother to look in depth at Monsanto’s studies.
The scientists of Health Canada looked at the studies for the bovine growth hormone and came to very different conclusions than the FDA did. The growth hormone did not comply with safety requirements and could be absorbed into the body on cause health problems.
Tags: bovine, cancer awareness, growth, hormone, monsanto