Flaxseed’s Role In Helping To Prevent Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that women with breast cancer who ate the most lignans lived longer, and you guessed right that flaxseeds are the concentrated source of lignans. In 2014, an estimated 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 62,570 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.[1]
Studies have shown that lignans have direct anticancer growth activity against breast cancer and helped prevent the migration of breast cancer cells. This is great news because such a readily available natural substance can be used to help treat breast cancer.
This is great, but what about helping to prevent breast cancer in the first place? High lignan intake was also associated with reduced breast cancer risk. A study of 3000 women without breast cancer and 3000 women without showed the consumption of flaxseed or flax bread was associated with a 20-30 % reduction of breast cancer risk.
Since flaxseeds are packed with lignans, only one daily teaspoon of flaxseed is needed to acquire the level of lignan intake that is associated with breast cancer risk reduction. Make sure your flaxseed is organic. You can view more in-depth information about flaxseed’s effect on breast cancer in the video.
Tags: flaxseed and breast cancer, flaxseed and cancer, flaxseed breast cancer