Excess Cholesterol Promotes Copper Trapping Plaque In The Brain Contributing To Alzheimers And Mental Dullness

First we must understand that cholesterol is so important to the body, the body will make all the cholesterol it needs. It doesn’t need any external cholesterol.
It is either very convenient that plants don’t contain cholesterol and the body would just so happen to be able to make all the cholesterol it needs, or since plants don’t contain cholesterol the body was designed to be able to make all the cholesterol it needs, because our primary food staple which is plants don’t supply cholesterol.
The relationship between humans and the earth is established out of a grand design, a design too many people have been systematically blinded to.
Cholesterol is also only found in meat and when people eat too much meat cholesterol builds up is the bloodstream and leads to the buildup cholesterol plaques in the arteries which compromise arterial function, not only in the heart but also in the brain.
Though humans can digest meat, humans weren’t designed efficiently to assimilate large amounts of meat and meat byproducts. Science supports that the consumption of meat above 10% of total daily calories leads to the proliferation and cancer and disease in general.
Copper And The Brain
The body is one huge battery that sends electrical signals from the brain to the body and vice versa through the nervous system. The brain transmits messages and thought through the movement of copper to neural synapses via the Atp7a protein.[1]
The brain needs to be able to freely transport copper to neural synapses to support rapid thinking and the transmittal of electric impulses.
High Cholesterol, Amyloid Plaque, And Binding Of Copper
Scientists are constantly researching how Alzheimers and loss of mental cognition happens. A common thread across Alzheimers patients is the build up of amyloid plagues in the brain.
The buildup of amyloid plaques are toxic to the brain and interfere with the delivery of electrical messages and the ability to think clearly and quickly. These amyloid plaques also collect unnatural amounts of copper that keeps the copper bound to the plaque.
The buildup of trapped copper in the amyloid plaques makes the plaques even more toxic to the brain and causes oxidative stress that attacks brain cells, interferes with message delivery, and slows down thought.
Excessive cholesterol from consumption of meat products has been shown to increase the formation and progression of amyloid plaques in the brain.[2]
Copper is a mineral that is very important for quick thinking and quick delivery of messages throughout the body, but copper has a predetermined way is has to be used in the body.
The high concentration of copper in amyloid plaques changes the way copper is supposed to interact with the brain, and its buildup and lack of mobility undermines homeostasis in the brain.
Copper In Meat And Copper Supplements Are The Problem And Not Copper In Plant Foods
The body needs copper, but it also needs it in a specific ratio in the body, and it also needs it to operate the way it was intended to. The body is one big assembly of parts that have a predetermined way the parts are supposed to interact with each other.
This is called a state of homeostasis. Once you significantly change one thing it affects another, and so on. The saturated fat from meat products and processed foods cause havoc to the state of homeostasis.
Science has shown that the intake of copper is only a problem in through the consumption of meat and its fat, and through the consumption of copper supplements.[2]
The fat and copper from meat fat, and copper supplements, interfere with the removal of amyloid plaques and promotes to continued accumulation of the thought reducing plaques in the brain.
[1] Copper Circuits Help Brain Function
[2] M C Morris, D A Evans, C C Tangney, J L Bienias, J A Schneider, R S Wilson, P A Scherr. Dietary copper and high saturated and trans fat intakes associated with cognitive decline. Arch Neurol. 2006 Aug;63(8):1085-8.