Dr. Sebi Once Impotent Now Having A Baby At Eighty Years Old

Dr. Sebi spoke with Rock Newman on The Rock Newman Show about his ability to be able to the make a baby at his age of 80. Newman was amazed that Dr. Sebi still had the ability to make babies.
Rock Newman was under the impression that it was highly unusual for an eighty year-old man to still have a libido and physical capability to undertake such an undertaking.
Newman posed the question to Dr. Sebi, “shouldn’t be unusual for a man in his 80’s to be able to still make babies?”
Dr. Sebi let Newman know without any hesitation that any man should be able to do what he had done at his age. He said there wasn’t anything extraordinary about him and that is shouldn’t be considered unusual.
To add to Newman’s amazement Dr.Sebi told him that he was actually impotent when he was in his thirties, which was caused from eating unhealthy foods that consisting of meat, dairy, and processed foods.
He explained that he was blessed by a Mexican herbalist who cured him of his impotence, diabetes, obesity, and blindness.
The herbalist treated Dr. Sebi by removing meat, dairy, and processed foods from his diet. He had Dr. Sebi juice fast for 60 days, consume a special combination of herbs, and drink the natural healing alkaline thermal waters available at his Usha Village in Honduras.
By consuming juice made from plant foods that his body recognized as natural, his body could easily assimilate them and use their nutrients to regain a state of homeostasis.
The nutrients and phytonutrients of the herbs, thermal waters, and alkaline juices was able to support health and vitality in Dr. Sebi’s body and restore his libido.*
To find out which plant foods of a whole food plant-based diet best support the reversal of disease take a look at this nutritional guide based on the Dr Sebi food list.