Dr. Oz Now Supports Medical Marijuana Use

Dr. Oz has changed his view on marijuana and now supports the use of medical marijuana. Larry King interviewed Dr. Oz and he explained why his view has changed about marijuana use, in particular medical marijuana use.
Dr. Oz like many other people had been conditioned by government’s stance and classification of marijuana as a “Schedule 1” narcotic in the “Controlled Substance Act” in 1970’s. The classification labeled marijuana as having no accepted medical use in the United States.
The classification also labeled marijuana as having a high potential for abuse and put its use in the same category as heroine, LSD, ecstasy, and methaqualone. Curiously enough cocaine is listed as a “Schedule 2” narcotic and less potent than the “Schedule 1” marijuana.
Before marijuana was labeled a “Schedule 1” narcotic and banned from medical use, marijuana extract was sold in pharmacies in the U.S. to treat pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms and over time people forgot marijuana was prescribed as a medicine.
Dr. Oz said:
“I grew up like most of my generation believing that marijuana was something satan was throwing at Americans, a communist plot. But I think most of us have come around to the believe that marijuana is hugely beneficial when used correctly for medicinal purposes,”
Undoubtedly marijuana is a psychoactive drug and unless it is tainted with something it doesn’t make you lose control of reality or succumb to compulsive behavior like LSD, cocaine, or even alcohol.
Because smoking does produce a psychoactive effect I do not support smoking marijuana and as Dr. Oz states:
“…we pervert its use sometimes,” and “I don’t think it should be widely used, certainly by kids because it creates a dependence that is unhealthy in any setting. But it absolutely should be widely available in America (for medical use).”
Vegetable juices made from fresh marijuana leaves and flowers do not have psychoactive properties and have shown to have great medicinal properties in treating thyroid issues and other illnesses.
The use of cannabis oil also has great medicinal properties but it is a concentrated form of cannabis that has been heated so you have to follow instructions when taking it. This case involved a young girl who was treated with cannabis oil to stop here 300 a week seizures when nothing else could.
You can find more stories that support the healing power of marijuana here.
Tags: marijuana use, medical uses for marijuana, uses of medical marijuana