Douching Can Be Helpful – Divine Veggie Mama’s Vaginal Canal Cleanse With Dr. Sebi’s Uterine Wash

Divine Veggie Mama takes us through her highly energized whirlwind testimonial of her experience using the Dr. Sebi “Uterine Wash” herbal product. The Uterine Wash is used to clean and restore the natural balance of flora in the urinary tract, protecting against urinary tract infections. Many women are persuaded by their doctors not to douche because they say the vagina can clean itself.
Under ideal situations this may be true, but we don’t live in ideal situations. For many women the vagina apparently needs a little natural help in maintaining its health, because many suffer from urinary tract infections.
Excess stress is put on the vagina by consuming a Western diet or a diet high in animal foods, dairy, and processed foods. These foods feed the unhealthy bacteria in the digestive tract and bacteria like Proteus mirabiis proliferate out of control and crawl from the fecal matter in the anus into the vagina.
The vagina does contain good flora that works to keep the bad bacteria entering the vagina in check, but the vagina becomes overwhelmed when the influx of bad bacteria is constant and large.
Dr. Sebi’s Uterine Wash is made up of a combination of herbs that strengthen the good bacteria and combat the bad bacteria in the vaginal canal. The herbs are steeped in hot water for a few minutes to release the herbs’ phytonutrients into the water.
After the water is cooled it is strained and added to the cleansing bag to wash the vagina of impurities and re-balance its flora. You can use this product once a month for vaginal maintenance, or if you are addressing a vaginal issue you can use the herbal cleanse up to 3 times a week. Though herbs can be use to successfully protect the health of the vagina, the use of herbs doesn’t address the root of the problem.
The root of the problem is the uncontrollable proliferation of bad bacteria in the digestive tract caused by the over-consumption of meat, dairy, and processed foods. Studies have shown that a whole food plant-based diet successfully reduces the amount of bad bacteria in the colon resulting in the reduction of urinary tract infections.