Don’t Get Hooked On A Processed Activated Charcoal Detox

An activated charcoal detox has it merits but you should understand it fully before you get involved with the detox. The first thing to keep in mind is that concentrated processed activated charcoal pills and powder is not food. If you do decide to do an activated charcoal detox with these substances, it should be for a very short period of time.
Activated charcoal falls into the same category as using baking soda and bentonite clay to cleanse the body. All three can play a beneficial part in supporting health, but they should be used with care.
Baking soda is consumed to quickly raise the body’s pH level, but ideally this should be done by eating plenty of alkalizing foods which happen to be plant-based foods that include fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, and some grains. Activated charcoal and bentonite clay are similar because of their great absorptive properties that allow them to cling unto toxins and remove them from the body.
An activated charcoal detox is used because it does attach to toxins and removes them from the body. Its great absorptive properties don’t stop with toxins though. Activated charcoal clings to everything, including nutrients that are needed to support healthy living. It is the same substance used very effectively in water filters and fish tank filters.
Since processed activated charcoal indiscriminately attaches to everything it comes in contact with, it should only in cases like alcohol or food poisoning. It shouldn’t be used to replace detoxes that focus on increasing the consumption of plant-based foods.
Detoxes that concentrate on the consumption of plant based foods not only provide substances that bind to and remove toxins from the body, but they also saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that heal the body and stimulate the immune system.
Activated charcoal pills and powders are often promoted as part of the activated charcoal detox, but I actually learned about how activated charcoal could be used to detox many years ago. My grandfather had a medical issue and my grandmother burnt some toast, which is a natural way to make activated charcoal, and had him eat it before he was taken to the hospital. The doctors treating my grandfather told my grandmother that giving him the burnt toast saved his life.
My grandmother understood to use burnt toast in the situation because the knowledge was handed down through the use of traditional medicine. You can use burnt toast as well as burnt coconut. In the past when my stomach bothered me I would eat some burnt toast and it would immediately sooth my stomach. I don’t get an upset stomach any more because my body is constantly naturally detoxed by my whole food plant based diet.
Once in a while you might want to try eating a piece of burnt toast instead of ingesting concentrated processed activated charcoal pills or powder to deal with an immediate problem. You might want to try brushing your teeth with the concentrated activated charcoal powder though, because it binds to plaque and mercury from fillings. You don’t ingest it this way, you just brush and spit it out.
Tags: activated charcoal, activated charcoal detox, charcoal detox