Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet
By | February 8th, 2015 | Modified - February 8th, 2015

Natural Life Energy’s goal is to bring awareness to the benefits of a plant-based diet, exercise, and respect for life. NLE welcomes and needs your support to expand and manage the website, create seminars, and to make documentaries.

Though this message is a message for everyone, NLE puts special attention on getting this information out to minority and low income neighborhoods which may face more obstacles in attaining these services and information. This is a grassroots movement by the people for the people, so all the support we have is YOU!

Natural Life Energy

You can help support our work in two ways:

1. You can make a general donation by clicking “Donate”.

2. You can spread the word about Natural Life Energy by sharing this link on your websites and social networks:

Thank you!

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