Difference Between Fructose And Fructose In Fruits And Liver Function

We must make sure everyone understands there is a difference between fructose and fructose in fruit’s effect on the body. Only fructose in additive sugar, like table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, was associated with declining liver function. Fructose from added sugar was also associated with hypertension, while fructose in fruits was not associated with hypertension.
There was no evidence for a negative effect of fructose in whole fruit on the body. The fiber and antioxidants in fruits remove any negative effect the fructose in fruits would have on the body.
The combination of fructose, fiber, and antioxidants in fruit controls insulin release so that the blood sugar level is not dropped below fasting levels, which then causes the body to dump fat into the bloodstream because the body thinks it needs energy. Dr. Greger explains more in detail in the video.
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